
I'm suddenly reminded of Armor. No, not Starship Troopers. Armor.

Good grief. The only thing worse than an injured dog is an injured chocobo.

Um. I think you're misunderstanding.

Animal Crossing is enjoyed best in small chunks - I don't think I ever really spent more than an hour or two in a single sitting. So, no wonder you couldn't play it for more than a couple hours at a time!

I remember walking off the bus once during middle school, deck in hand, and getting caught in a gust of wind and seeing two of my favorite gold cards fly away. I didn't care how long I was holding up traffic afterwards, I was going to fucking find those two.

You should try reading the article and then commenting again.

Eventually Gawker-wide. I volunteered Kotaku as tribute.

We have a new system in place at Kotaku that'll help us help you by getting rid of spam and other nasty comments in the discussions. It's called Flagging, and it's basically as it sounds.

It's never lupis, Dr. Cameron.


Though we disagree about what you should punch, I think we see eye-to-eye in terms of the game.

It's cool, I reworded it. Thanks for not being a jerk!

I apologize for the incoming AVALANCHE (*nudge nudge*) of people saying that Squall's gunblade didn't actually fire bullets but blanks to just make the blade vibrate as he slashed his target.

Yeah, fuck him for caring about something he was passionate about as a kid! We should all "grow up" and lose our sense of wonder and imagination because it gets in the way of things like working to stay alive and being a lifeless husk waiting to die after decades of convincing yourself you're happy when all you've

cries from lack ov PSO2

Well... Smash Bros. for 3DS, Yokai Watch 2, Mario Kart 8, Pokemon X/Y, Animal Crossing, Puzzle & Dragons Z, Monster Hunter 4, Ace Attorney 5... Look at that, gonna need two hands! :D

Shoutout to Asellus's Quest in SaGa Frontier.

Way of the gun actually did a really good job lampshading the SUPER ACTION EXTREME!!!!!!11!!! Hollywood gun play by actually playing it painfully straight. There were some flourishes, but it worked brilliantly.