Not sure if anyone has brought it up yet, but you might want to mention that it got a mobile platform port a few decades ago. I heard the controls can get pretty awkward though due to the smaller play area that can be displayed.
Not sure if anyone has brought it up yet, but you might want to mention that it got a mobile platform port a few decades ago. I heard the controls can get pretty awkward though due to the smaller play area that can be displayed.
+1 for Abba reference.
Ha. I love it when Facebook does amusing and slightly creepy stuff like this.
While I’d agree that it’s spoilery to talk about, it would have been nice to know what the actual set up was before I made the choice of which physical copy to buy. That’s one advantage of buying it digitally. But really, the choice is handled so well that I still have no regrets about buying a physical copy of Black.
Good for Araki.
I just got Japanese New 3DS, and this was one of the demos I downloaded while browsing the Japanese eShop. It’s very snappy! It’s also the first of the series I’ve actually really been interested in, despite being told endlessly to play them by a couple of my friends. Maybe I’ll go ahead and import it just for grins.…
Just consider 7th Dragon 2020 I & II as a two part game.
Not sure if serious, or trolling... =_=
I just did a quick glance through it, you’ll probably be able to understand it without reading the main Secret Wars book. I think I could also say, Secret Wars probably /won’t/ help you understand Weirdworld. It does look pretty fantastic though.
I contacted them before I wrote this, but I did hear back from them. Yes, currently the subscription cards it the only thing they have to offer for retailers. Hopefully it does stupidly well as a digital book though and they’ll decide to go to print at some point.
I would definitely carry this, but it appears to be digital only?
Edit: I realized none of these are really rage quit stories except Resonance of Fate, which I never could bring myself to finish playing.
Brian, you have “an usual tweet” in the first paragraph.
Yes, it is wrong to assume that.
I was kind of worried I’d never have a chance to use this gif I made again, but...
Saga Frontier, playing as Red (or I had him in my party, can't remember which :P ), who had the ability to transform into the super-hero Alkaiser. I was fighting one of the later bosses and my party was getting stomped by it, but Red couldn't transform in front of other people because he's supposed to be keeping his…
This drove me nuts to the point that I'd constantly hold down the shoulder button (I think it was L2?) so I could free run. I'd recommend using the Free Run Battle Act (or whatever it's called, I forget right now) which makes that your default behavior.