
Tom, the caller told police he already murdered someone and had a woman and children hostage, with the entire house doused in gasoline ready to blow.

Random? Really dude? How about you pull your head out of cavernous asshole just once?

Naw, finding anything and everything racist and getting offended by anything and everything is pretty moronic. All this is doing is giving conservatives ammo on why liberals can’t be trusted. I really cringe at the thought of another 4 years of Trump but unreasonable people like you are who are going to make it a

The police didn’t “randomly” show up anywhere, they were acting on what they had to assume was a real report of a crime occurring. When the police receive a call like this they have to treat it as a 100% credible threat until they can prove 100% otherwise. It’s a “Boy who cried wolf” scenario, even if you get 100 fake

A YouTube video with nearly 900,000 views titled “Why Anthem Should Scare You | Has EA Destroyed Bioware?” just miiiight be the type of thing that the second-to-last paragraph of this article is talking about.

“get a grip”

those joycons are hideous tho

Two problems with this story (or really one combined major problem):

Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.

Oh cool, where the internet jumps on some random person because they had the audacity to admit their partner needed self-stimulation to orgasm from time to time.

If you’ve been saving for 30 years and you only have saved enough to buy a new car.. you need to either have someone review your investments, or get a better paying job. In 8 years of working at a factory, I has saved and gotten enough return to almost buy a house.

Look.... I get it. It’s fun to shit on Ready Player One now. I’ve done it myself. The book has a LOAD of flaws, but it’s a fun read.

I don’t know why I need to point this out, but he’s not saying he thought they’re all a bunch of rapists. He’s expressing his surprise that not all professional gamers look like 40 pounds of disgusting, sweaty shit in a 15 pound bag. He’s shocked that someone who plays games for a living could have anything but pasty

I hate to use this card; but ‘as a black man’, articles and arguments like this (especially written from would be white saviors) are the worst.

As a “gamer of color” I’m immensely glad they removed the “garbage” and kept the technical mastery and attention to detail. My eyes can’t roll far enough back in my skull at the (largely) white critics complaining (!!!) that they adhered to the artistic style and removed the racist overtones. I can’t thank them

What the hell? Do you want them to have a disclaimer that says:

Taking advantage of morons to separate them from their money is a tradition as old as time. The difference here is that they’re explicitly calling you a moron for paying for this game and any other games like it, but they’ll STILL make tons of money in microtransactions.
The joke is on you, which is why you don’t find

another solution: dont buy Apple products that dont work even though it’s the 10th generation.

English teacher moment: “hurtling,” not “hurdling.” Unless the plane was leaping over fixed barriers, which would use up all the little paper bags.

Same here. Nor would I ever leave a tip in a tip jar on an Uber ride - a completely electronic transaction that has no use for paper money. In fact, a driver having a tip jar is a bit presumptuous, if you ask me, when there’s already a super easy way to tip.