
Sure you have trypophobia. It’s 100% a real thing.

Because that worked so well with the pre-order fiasco, right? There goes any chance for a normal person to get a console this year without enriching the scalpers.

I think the word you’re looking for is ‘expensive’.

Right? The new Ghostbusters movie was about as funny as a wet fart. It’s really too bad that basically all the criticism was deflected by screaming ‘sexism!’. No, it’s just that Ghostbuster fans wanted a good movie.

>In fact IMHO you are in a distinct minority among the commentariat.

So in your opinion, are all the people who joined the armed forces simply because it’s a steady paycheck, they pay for ALL of your college, and they offer benefits that can’t be beat horrible people who deserve to be bullied, or...? Kind of horrifying to see a journalist engage in straight up stereotyping.

I don’t know who you think ‘they’ are but I served 8 years in the military and voted blue the whole time. It’s unproductful and damaging to the movement to vilify entire groups due to the actions of a few. The vast majority of people in the US armed forces are there because it’s a steady job and the benefits are good.

That’s great news, the game got far too easy since you can easily upgrade basically your entire arsenal to max level in the very first act. The very first sidestory I did in the game was the sake brewery defense, I had no upgrades or techniques to make it easier and sadly that was the most fun the combat has been

Literally all of them. It’s still very easy to find AM2R for instance.

It must be tough to be so profoundly affected by made up stuff.

Probably because the kind of retard who’s still not wearing a mask is the kind of person who will try to start some dumb shit when you tell them to gtfo your space.

The disc drive on my PS4 has failed on 3 occasions, I’m done with physical media.

We’ve been at that point for like 4 years now; I have been thus far unable to sit down and play through all of Horizon because it’s such a rote, by the numbers exercise in open world game design.

Won’t be the same without Holowka’s amazing score. Too bad he was driven to suicide by cancel culture after years and years of trying to be (and being) a better person. 

Pretty sure part 2 is most definitely in production.

The campaign for Destiny 2 is nothing more than a tutorial for the game. If you played Destiny 2 and haven’t run any of the raids that are available to even free players, you did yourself a disservice. It’s true that the endgame of D2 is nothing more than chasing better gear (and titles, and a few pieces of cosmetic

‘Feh’ is the noise anyone should make when they see this purchase option.

Yeah that’s kinda what the whole article is about.

I’M not furious. Shit happens and my whole life doesn’t revolve around one day in Destiny 2. 

I’m pretty sure they’ve specifically said Xenoblade Chronicles X will NOT be ported due to reliance on the Wii U GamePad. You’re thinking of plain old Xenoblade Chronicles, from the Nintendo Wii.