The disc drive on my PS4 has failed on 3 occasions, I’m done with physical media.
The disc drive on my PS4 has failed on 3 occasions, I’m done with physical media.
We’ve been at that point for like 4 years now; I have been thus far unable to sit down and play through all of Horizon because it’s such a rote, by the numbers exercise in open world game design.
Won’t be the same without Holowka’s amazing score. Too bad he was driven to suicide by cancel culture after years and years of trying to be (and being) a better person.
Pretty sure part 2 is most definitely in production.
The campaign for Destiny 2 is nothing more than a tutorial for the game. If you played Destiny 2 and haven’t run any of the raids that are available to even free players, you did yourself a disservice. It’s true that the endgame of D2 is nothing more than chasing better gear (and titles, and a few pieces of cosmetic…
‘Feh’ is the noise anyone should make when they see this purchase option.
Yeah that’s kinda what the whole article is about.
I’M not furious. Shit happens and my whole life doesn’t revolve around one day in Destiny 2.
I’m pretty sure they’ve specifically said Xenoblade Chronicles X will NOT be ported due to reliance on the Wii U GamePad. You’re thinking of plain old Xenoblade Chronicles, from the Nintendo Wii.
Except the sales are, quite literally, in the healthiest place.
With the SNK leaks it’s really looking like a Metal Slug character if so. Hoping for Fio if so personally, but likely all 4 characters will be represented as outfits if that’s actually how it shakes out.
I mean it happened to you as the player all the time too, especially once you get a lot of the board manipulation abilities.
I bet you still buy it too.
Just don’t buy games on the EGS.
So just get it on Steam or PS4 or XB1 or Humble or GOG or...
60 a month seem like a lot.
How can you say there’s no big games coming out in a week that has Grandia 1 and 2 collection?
So literally every single day for these women, but now with a hashtag.
While I sympathize with those affected by the attack on Kyoto Animation, I will never understand why the Japanese reaction to every disaster is to pretend like the things which have hurt them don’t exist.
Nobody is dumb enough to put an ugly case or sleeve on their Switch when you can buy glass screen protectors for the screen that you can’t even see once applied, surely?