I’ve seen this performed live 3-4 times at the video games live concert circuit and it’s always an amazing song to hear done live. Whoever they get for the concerts always nails the main vocals.
I’ve seen this performed live 3-4 times at the video games live concert circuit and it’s always an amazing song to hear done live. Whoever they get for the concerts always nails the main vocals.
The ironic hypocrisy of this blog never ceases to amuse me.
Well, if you’re being serious and not just facetious, the difference here is that the people he called out were racists and assholes and not just a normal guy asking a question. But I doubt you were being serious or even really know what you’re referencing.
So, did she or did she not express happiness at the death of someone suffering from cancer?
Is that true for after completing all 8 stories? There’s not like, a chapter 9 and 10 that feature a culmination of all the stories?
You have a problem.
Worth noting that this is one of the early unlocks for the Humble Monthly this month.
That’s some real fuckin’ good spin you got on that story there, Kotaku. The irony of the mob justice comment is pretty good too.
I really think you’re over-selling this movie. There was one genuinely unsettling moment in the movie, and you know which one I’m talking about, that had a good 4-6 minute lead up to the final terrible shot, and that was definitely excellent and well pulled off, but by the time the movie was winding up some of the…
That’s three big games but I feel like I saw 2-3 other big ones with the Jan 29 release date too. Like that Disney game and a couple others.
Despite all the general negativity around Destiny 2, both it and the first game and all their associated pieces of DLC have been great sellers and have made Bungie and Activision a lot of money. Bioware isn’t going to fail because they made a game you’re not interested in playing, believe it or not.
Okay, so the model and costume are great, but are we still pretending that the model in the pictures had anything to do with the creation of the costume or the taking of the pictures?
You say nothing earth shattering, but Monster Hunter World was announced at last years Sony conference. Monster Hunter World! Maybe its not your thing, but it was definitely someone’s thing, since it’s now Capcom’s best selling game ever.
Make sure you help each other bury your heads in the sand as deep as you can and make sure the echo chamber echoes as loud as possible, that’s the best way to make sure the message gets out.
lol what, maybe if MS had focused on games from the beginning instead of insisting that their shitty UI frontend become the new media center for the whole house so you can kinect while you football, Sony wouldn’t have made such huge gains on them.
If Sony hadn’t destroyed MS this generation from the get go, do you really think they’d be pushing BC so hard? When you’re down, you get better or you lose revenue forever. We saw it from Sony after the PS3 struggled so hard at the beginning of that generation, with the PS3 finishing stronger than MS, and we’ll see it…
Your review doesn’t make it clear if the movie is actually scary or not. The continual references to Babadook and the various family members makes me think it’s another thinly veiled expose on some emotion or other, or a cinematic catharsis for the filmmaker to finally come to grips with their Uncle Touchy.
You’d have to be, frankly, an actual idiot to believe that list is real for any number of obvious reasons.
It’s not a store front on the app. All the app was was a remote connection to your desktop. It’s literally just a low latency (hopefully) video connection to your computer that lets you use Steams Big Picture Mode to stream gameplay to your phone or whatever. They can’t take out the storefront because it’s just Steam.
Well I hope they get to you sooner rather than later.