
Okay, I have to point this out because I’ve been seeing it everywhere from people who have not been playing MH for, you know, over a decade now.

Some weirdly wrong info here. The native cats are Grimalkynes, not Melynx. Capturing doesn’t necessarily give better rewards, just different ones. And you do get bonus rewards from defeating enemies in expeditions, you can collect them any time from the handler at the camp, or they will all be awarded to you at once

What ads? If you’re talking about the prompts to download demos and shit that appear on the main screen someyimes, you’ve been able to turn those off since the PS4 launched.

How on Earth are they still making DR games after DR4? It hasn’t been good since the first game. Basically as soon as they handed it off to Western devs it went to shit, they completely missed what made the first game fun and funny and turned it into ‘KILL A MILLION ZOMBIES WITH KOOKY WEAPONS LOL’.

Most people don’t live their lives expecting a rabid hate mob to come after them because they disagree with their opinions.

You could have just ended the headline after “bad” and it would have been just as accurate.

Boy, I got like 70 downvotes when I posted about this on the FF subreddit. It’s like they refused to believe that the new Dissidia could possibly be bad, but oh my GOD is it bad compared to the PSP games.

I have been maining Gunlance since I imported MH2 way back in what, 2006? I’ve always loved the weapon, but it really got fun somewhere around MHP3 when they added the slam and full bursting attacks. Always feel so powerful when I use GL. Only other weapon that I truly enjoy is Hammer.

Holy shit, conch eyes.

Last time I had a goblin fight was actually in Pathfinder and it was the ‘boss’ encounter. I had newly joined this group and it was my first session with them. I was playing a ‘dumb but lovable’ all for justice cavalier type, with extra emphasis on ‘dumb’.

The irony of your comment is almost too much for me.

Maybe the title should be ‘Don’t stack your damn plates like an asshole’.

So, what. Can you upgrade your original edition? They’re really all in on milking XV for all it’s worth.

So...your position is that police should have to die or be grievously injured before they can shut down a violent situation?

The last time I got the real flue was in like, 2005? I was in the military at the time but had only been in a year. I was out for an entire 4 day weekend (didn’t even get any sick days, there is no justice in this world). The only ‘flu’ I’ve had since then is the weak flu you always get from the shots/nasal drips that

Right? Where was the blowback for The Dark Tower, a movie that actually had huge amounts of potential at its inception and then promptly shat all over that by changing basically everything about the story?

I mean, I get it. I’d love to have more PS2 games available too. But it’s not just a simple matter of throwing a PS2 game on the PSN store and letting it be. All those PS2 Classics have had trophies fully integrated, they’ve been altered to run at 1080p, etc. They’re not really the PS2 releases anymore, just PS4 games

The game you’re thinking of does exist, it just doesn’t exist for you personally as a low level, no money player. CEOs, Gunrunners, MC Club Presidents, and now whatever this new Heist brings all have fairly pricey buy ins, but when you do ‘buy in’ you open up missions that take place in the open world of the game.

No mention of the extremely strong Monster Hunter World coming out in January, instead opting to promote shitfests Dissidia and Secret of Mana Remake? Wow.

Can’t, or couldn’t?