
You have just described basically everyone on the Internet, especially those who use Twitter or Reddit.

I’ve put a good 200 hours into Hyrule Warriors and only like, 5 into FE Warriors, but so far I don’t think it has the depth that HW does. The gameplay is better and enemy density is higher (huge draw for a Warriors game) but the History Mode doesn’t stack up to Adventure Mode with only 10-20 battles on each map that

Wow, it’s just one tiny step from the above posited scenarios to ‘the algorithm may match players who don’t purchase acceptable amounts of MTX into slightly tougher scenarios to encourage them to buy in order to become strong enough to continue.’

It’s 100% location tracking and passive surveillance, no matter what Facebook tried to claim. Just like the reproducible Spanish language ads after listening to Spanish language TV or radio, it’s easy to show that this stuff is happening even if they won’t admit to doing it.

Of course they don’t. The ESRB was formed to protect corporate interests from government intervention in the 90s, during the video game equivalent of the Satanic Panic of the 80s, when MK was making it big and violence was finally starting to reach a realistic enough level that it made people uneasy.

I wouldn’t say most of us are very accepting so much as, unless a game reaches Lacrimosa or SAO: Hollow Moment (original Vita release) levels of bad, we understand that there’s not shit we can do about it. Most companies don’t care how many emails you send about their shoddy translations.

My main issue with the show is that it was awful trash.

I would imagine it’s because 95% of all this information is imparted over emails, and when they ask those questions (you know this is predatory BS, right?) it’s both worded differently (what would you say to the allegations that this game has had the amount of time required to earn X increased, and other rewards

Hey, if the 5.0 post seems a little thin, it’s because for some reason they announced all the other features at the beginning of August.

I can only think about the Hanger every time I hear Guerrilla Radio.

Probably because it is truly awful.

Well I sadly missed the original post, but what the hell.

Thank god you can turn that VA off. I need my Minegarde Gibberish back, it’s so incredibly offputting hearing them talk.

Nope! Thanks Bungie!

Already played through it, huh? Tell me, did they do anything about the entire missing second half that the original had to forego because the move to cartridge from the planned SNES-CD?

Maybe you should have a protest march about it, or create some signs that say ‘Not my Deathgaze’, or something.

Yeah, because the article is about good games.

What’s so complex about third person action game style combos? Is rock/paper/scissors really the limit of complexity for you?

I don’t see what’s so awesome about a mishmash of primary colors, a basic RPS battle system, and the complete removal of all the things that make MH actually good, but you do you.

Heads up, they changed the lineup, claiming that the original list was incorrect. Only the PS3 and PSV games were changed, though.