
Battle Chef Brigade sounded pretty good until I watched the trailer. Yeesh, amateurish much? I know it’s an indie game but fuck, it looks like a 2008 Newgrounds effort.

Hyperbole at its finest. I never paid a dime for GTA Online money, but I was still able to buy everything I wanted all the way up through the crime business update last year, when I stopped playing due to other considerations. Last time I logged in my cash was still in the high 8 digits. It sounds to me like you’re

Why do you need a sidebar? If the game is free to play and on mobile, it’s going to have terrible MTX. That’s just a given.

Next you’re going to tell me they do it on purpose to drive up third party prices or something. Tell me another one, kid. Also: Global NAND shortage.

So if you know all that, why are you making impossible demands? Your plan would have required taking pre-orders up to a year ago or more, whenever this thing was finalized and the contracts were starting to be set. It’s an idea that only works if you’re willing to talk about products a year or more in advance, and

Unfortunately due to the timing of this release it looks like I’m gonna have to let it go, Odyssey AND Destiny 2 the week after this? I just can’t see myself dropping the $$$ for it, especially with the weak cast.

That’s not how production lines work, but keep bitching about things you don’t understand. It is the modern way, after all.

I get that it’s cool to hate Assange now because Gizmodo told you to and that he might not completely hate Trump or whatever, and currently Wikileaks is helping the Republicans by airing dirty Democrat laundry instead of the other way around (even though they totally did do that), but...

Let’s be honest; there’s only one reason to choose invisibility, and having to be naked already just speeds things up.

So you get to be invisible AND naked? This choice is getting easier all the time.

That thing is $40. It’s FBA so I’m going to assume either the original deal sold out or the seller noticed the run and raised their prices, because every FBA seller is scum.

That thing is $40. It’s FBA so I’m going to assume either the original deal sold out or the seller noticed the run

The PS4 had had folders for ages now, and you’ve been able to limit how long your ‘big list of stuff is’ for even longer. I own like 30 PS4 games but there are only 5 icons on my list.

Good fucking God, why can’t they get this right? No one wants a page full of shit to look at. Make their home page 2-3 big tiles of their last played games and put all the motherfucking advertising on another tab, like maybe in the fucking store where it belongs.

It was about 4:1 in popularity and I played about 25% of my matches against mayo. Seems about right. I hate mayo but I”m not salty about it. Obviously same side matches aren’t going to count. It’s a best of 3 point competition and ketchup got a point for being popular. You can’t also give them points for fighting

In all fairness, that’s what color mayo is in Japan.

This is the first time I’ve ever read that EWJ was supposed to be satirizing other platformers. Are you sure you’re not just making something up?

That’s cool and all, but how about a PS4 port of P4DaN? I don’t like the music in P3/P5 NEARLY as much as I like P4.

So how do you feel about Panty and Stocking?

It has garbage art.