
I don't know what SONY thinks, but I can tell you right now that a lot of people have more money than sense.

That was a whole lot of words to essentially reinforce my point.

Really, cause the cocoa bean farmers don't seem especially unhappy with their lot in life. Also going to need a source on that 18 hours a day.

So you're saying that they have a better life than these cocoa bean farmers?

Yeah, all those guys with signs who sleep under the overpass have it so easy compared to these farmers.

Well! It just so happens that I encountered exactly the situation I was describing this morning.

And I think you're a bit of an idiot for insisting I'm making a blanket statement even though I've specified 'people who go out of their way to be offended' several times.

Man, I was excited because I thought this was the one I downloaded for free yesterday (app of the week or whatever) but that was rooftop run, which sounds lame. But I always download the free stuff.

You sure attached a lot of meaning to one word, which was neither positively or negatively positioned at the time of posting.

Anyone who goes out of their way to tell people who don't care about their weird, non-mainstream hobbies is irritating.

While I already covered this like, four comments ago, you're probably the kinda guy who had to raise his hand in class and have the same concept that was just explained, explained again. So here:

No, the furries want to split gay hares. That's the joke.

Almost everything is okay with me, to be honest. If it's not hurting a real person, then I don't care what anyone does, ever, pretty much.

I went for the stereotypical furry angle.

Also, normally I'm down with xkcd, but he missed the mark on this one. They're the Internet posterboys for weird shit because, like vegans, they can't just shut the fuck up about it and do it. They continually invade communities of 'norms', tell everyone that they're furries and they like all that shit, and then

Nothing wrong with being gay. Definitely something wrong with being a guy in a hot animal suit, being sexually aroused by other animal suits, guy or girl.

Losing your shit over a cartoon is hilarious no matter what nationality the cartoon is. I'd laugh just as hard if some 30 year old neckbeards rioted over Naruto or something being cancelled.

Nothing? Why does there have to be more?