
3400 dollars for shit design with a cord being jacked in right in front of the screen? Sorry, no. Function > form.

"I even feel angry because, at Nintendo's shareholders' meetings, the shareholders always discuss things relating to video games or such childish topics as "what the future of video games should be,"

1. Cue all the whiners about new MGS gameplay systems, when if you actually go back and play MGS1-3 they're clunky as shit after playing 4 and PW. Just to head THAT argument off at the pass, MGS2 and 3 are still tied for my favorite MGS games, but I'm under no illusions about how shitty their controls were. MGS2

I only see four games worth caring about on that list. None of them come out on the 5th, the 14th, the 21st, or the 28th.

Can't say I'm a fan of the obvious CGness of it, and I never did like the willowy look of the characters, but it is a shoujo anime, so *shrug*

I don't know if I'd describe the Tonelico games as 'amazing' but this looks alright. Sci-fi is generally underrepresented in JRPGs, although when it is represented it's usually bad.

Sorry, they need Schrier to keep the hipster dream alive.

For further further context, the Hive ALL seem to have medieval and fantasy type names, and the last time they tried to invade they were stopped and confined to the moon. They've now returned to Earth, and you encounter a Wizard type. You are then informed that said wizard has come from the moon.

Ridiculous statement, any English speaker can patch PSO2jp and play almost the entire game in English right now. You can't do that with Yakuza 5.

I played the whole game and it was a shameless GoW ripoff, and I don't even like GoW that much.

Chrono Cross was an extremely well received game by any standards. I personally hated it, because the story was a mess, almost none of the characters were interesting or worth using in battle, the map was ugly, and they retconned the shit out of a much better game in order to make it 'fit'. The best part of the game

Monster Hunter. All of them. I know they're big in Japan, but until Unite/Tri they consistently got panned in the Western gaming media, especially the first game on PS2 which garnered many < 5 scores.

They are, unfortunately, rolling in their huge mountains of money that they made from F2P games and immoral psychological manipulation.

I'll wait for Chasm, thanks.

ITT: Projection!

Pretty sure I'm anticipating MGS5 more than No Man's Sky. NMS looks great and fun and all, and Terraria/Starbound are my two most played games on Steam, but while those games are fun, they certainly aren't the games I think of first when I think back over games I enjoyed the most. Short and intense fun leaves a longer

While I could care less about Transformers, having been over the robots in disguise since at least 1990, I am SUPER PUMPED for TMNT. I don't CARE that Shredder is a white guy. I don't CARE that they have noses. All I care about is that the Turtles act like they should, that lots of ninjas/ninja robots/other mutants

You can't say you didn't lead a sheltered life if the word 'hell' gave you pause.

Not just 'stop pre-ordering video games' but ESPECIALLY stop pre-ordering from Ubisoft. They spend unbelievable amounts of money on marketing to convince you to buy their games before they come out. The 400 different editions of Watch_Dogs was ridiculous. Please stop supporting this idiocy.

You always have a chance to receive boosters as well. Although I've only ever gotta 2 since the TC program started.