
Four tweets is not 'in trouble', nor are you in trouble if people who were never going to buy your game in the first place are still not going to buy it because you didn't add 3 months and 5 million dollars to the production costs.

It's just Kotaku and Polygon doing what they do, drumming up controversy where none actually exists.

I like how all the SJW banner sites conveniently ignore the fact that it's not just a matter of making a female shaped body and slapping it into the game.

Yeah, okay. I mean, it probably won't be incredible or anything, but sure, why not?

You really only have to grind if you're bad at the game. I typically make three armor sets for my initial run through the game, and I don't make the first one until I've started in on the High Rank level quests.

For those of you keeping score with the 'Gematsu' leaks, this also means Shulk and Chorus Men are probably in the game as well.

No. MM wasn't that great and I'd much rather have a new Metroid.

Just want to point out that while it's awesome that this game is finally coming in an OFFICIAL capacity (and in HD!), the FF T-0 PSP patch released 2 days ago.

Everything that was good? Did you miss Bloodborne?

Nope. PC/PS4 same time launch for now, no other versions mentioned yet.

That's not what they said, they said 'exclusive to consoles on the PS4' or something to that effect. Nothing about being first.

They were very specific in the conference with their language. They said that No Man's Sky is 'exclusive to consoles on the PS4'. So for the time being, PC and PS4 are the only two platforms it's going to be available on.

When you use the word 'gentrification', you're bemoaning. It has negative connotations because you're not allowed to improve your town if that means people who are less lucky/privileged can no longer afford to squat there and ruin it for everyone else.

Why are they more sensitive? Why? Who taught them to care so much about what other people think?

*shrug* I did this thing called 'growing up' where I'm not bothered by what random people I don't care about have to say or think about me.

ARE you gay? If so, why would it bother you to be called so? If not, why would it bother you if some idiots thought you were?

The song is great, what the fuck would you put in there? Some shit ass dubstep? Some not actually music hip hop?

tumblr is where complete misfits go to butter each other up and then rub their disgusting greasy bodies on each other. Of course I don't go to tumblr. There are SJWs and then there are people who are so far beyond the pale that the only place they could possible belong is tumblr.

Hear that folks? Taking a picture of something weird and slapping a shitty Instagram filter on it = beauty.

If you don't think there's turds all over that Chinese beach (and their trains, and sidewalks, and wherever else) then I have some news for you.