Drove me nuts they were seen as some kind of heroic superwomen come to save the day from the evil of the GOP and restore compassion and decency on the right.
Drove me nuts they were seen as some kind of heroic superwomen come to save the day from the evil of the GOP and restore compassion and decency on the right.
She got her blood price. And that’s drilling in preserves.
So can we finally stop acting like Murkowski is some kind of mighty heroine who stood firm against the dastardly forces of the GOP when they tried to hurt countless Americans by destroying their ability to afford decent healthcare.
Murkowski is smart enough to know that Obamacare requires the individual mandate to function: retaining the rest of the structure but dropping the mandate could be catastrophic. She’s just banking on her constituents being too stupid to realize it.
Sailor Senshi 76?
I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.
Leave pizza out of this.
New Age Japan is what the US needs to strive to be in infrastructure. Japan as a whole is not some idyllic paradise and has its own issues.
Would you really? You’d get to play the same stories over and over instead of having new ones to experience. If we remade Quest for Glory today, I’d improve a few things, such as giving them a consistent combat system, adding more bread crumbs when players get stuck, etc.
This is fantastic news, and an excellent example of what putting your money where your principles are looks like.
I’m not sure what Gadot’s payday was for Wonder Woman (and if someone has the numbers, please let me know), but if she’s getting even a portion of the residuals, she probably made some serious bank. She’ll…
...and this is why money matters, and why women directing and starring in summer blockbusters (in addition to independent films and cerebral films and everything else) matters.
Me not that kind of Orc!
Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years.
It’s a bit frustrating to see people accusing me of trying to protect Malka when I’ve spent half my weekend on this story, while traveling to and from Las Vegas for a book festival at that. (I just helped edit this article from the airport and am actually on the plane right now.) Needless to say, I did not and would…
I’ve been working with Cecilia on this story since Thursday, when I warned her that things would likely blow up over the weekend and that she might have to work Saturday and Sunday. Which she of course agreed to do immediately, because she is a trooper. Her hard work is the reason that this story is more thorough than…
I have never been prouder to be an Australian.
And now for something COMPLETELY different:
I think the games industry and early magazine journalism ala Nintendo Power has done a lot to perpetuate the myth that brand loyalty and consumption is unimpeachably good. That purchasing games and supporting companies is the best thing you can do.
I tried to throw it away, but it keeps coming back!