
I’m one of the assistant T.O.s for the Ottawa scene (Mehtagame is the main dude) and was commentating this set with Rich.

“I’ll show them...I’ll come back even stronger.”

Meh, I’d rather get my Magikarp to jump hundreds of feet into the air by having it bash itself against a tree trunk, smacking Poké Balls, and tackling punching bags over and over again.

If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

Fuck NcSoft!

Sincerely, a still pissed off Tabula Rasa player.

“Hey you guys liked Statesman? You’re never getting his game back but here, go punch shit with him.”

Fuck NcSoft.

Ugggh yeah card game crowd isn’t the best in terms of being inclusive but having played as far back as 96 I can say it’s better now than it used to be. Some shops are better than others mind you but overall it’s better . Not perfect yet though

It’s also not made by Konami...

NeonFM is made my Unit-e Technologies, and was made first. Konami ripped them off by later making “Museca,” which is materially similar to NeonFM.

The only political statement here is that solitary confinement is inhumane.

... And it really fucking is. That shit is barbaric.

Now Waymo people are gonna hear about it. It’s gonna be Uber interesting.

Probably because someone said something less than glowing about Bethesda. I see a lot of people online that get bent out of shape if it’s suggested that Bethesda doesn’t vomit gold.

Kotaku has never broken a Bethesda embargo. We were blacklisted for reporting on information that was leaked to us, not information that was under embargo. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, so why even comment?

Fair enough. I really don’t play any games online, because every game community is exactly that scene from The Office where Ray Romano is explaining that his old job was between the jerkwads and the jerkoffs. But, I can imagine that the CS crowd could still be the most hostile, excepting of course the Playstation CoD

He was a good college football player.

Not a bad idea, but if I’m going to be dressing like a Dragon Ball character there’s really only one outfit worth wearing.

Overall it’s a mix of cockiness and getting tunnel-visioned by Kingrd taunting Midone before Midone started to attack him. Midone forgot there was a Storm Spirit in the game (a hero that can close distance very fast), and so forgot to be careful with his positioning.