
For those people who are interested, and aren’t making smartass remarks because you don’t understand or care about Dota and just want to try and be funny, it should be interesting to note these guys made it to the Major because it’s the first one to have a separate qualifier for the South America region. Usually it’s


Current All Shrines record is listed at 10:23:30.

Hello and thank you!

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

No one liked Goof Troop.

Also, played like 50 hours of Zelda.

This is also the guy that “joked” stating that, quote: “we all have our tricks to get 12 yearold tits”. unquote. He’s a repugnant shrill asshole. Markiplier is superior.

I want a new reboot starring Leslie Jones as the voice of KITT just to piss off the neckbeards.

So witches float and wizards sink?

Ugh. I feel bad for the employees. It’s, of course, one thing to focus on used games, since it is a core part of their business model, but to be shady like that....

Don’t kneel, don’t capitulate, never give up, never surrender, but above all else stand.

Ireland checking in all my hopes, dreams, love and prayers to every fuckng war goddess I can think of go to you.

We are our own thing within the fam.

PaRappa was much better and actually made money.

Behold the power of an organized, unified labour front!

If only the rest of the games industry—and the rest of America, frankly--would do the same things would be better off.

(And if I could offer a constructive criticism, Cecilia needed maybe her own mic, I had trouble hearing her clearly.)

It vibrates, too. In sync with the game.

Brilliant work, Ev.