
I feel like the right balance is somewhere in between what’s here and the likes of Kiev. Maybe a table with stats they can toss up on the screen behind them, ala the old Microsoft Surface line before that became their tablets/laptops?

Maybe repeat a Splatfest from 1 that was an absolute blowout, and put Marina on the losing side? Or test by regions or even randomize the affiliations per-player for a statistically controlled Splatfest?

Mmm... Not sure it’s a super-strong comparison. Electoral College would be more like if they counted regions that voted one way or another, and the percent of regions that went one way or another were one of the three points for the final score, instead of counting Solo and Team battles separately.

I actually prefer ‘take-but-auto-dump’ type schemes... The closest I can think of, though, is Diablo III, and even that adds a couple steps.

Take the ‘battle royale’ format - 100 players enter, one leaves (with the iconic “Winner winner chicken dinner!” announce) - but throw in a few very nice anti-frustration features (you die, you get to leave almost immediately and join a new match) and a solid amount of strategy behind the third-person shooter core,

The bit I like most about this is, she has self-awareness. She’s happy as hell she won, but didn’t get inflated about her quality of play - meaning she knows she has room to improve. I look forward greatly to seeing how she performs in the next tourney, with the lessons she’ll have had time to learn by then!

I would suspect more places would be up for catgirl porn than catgirl opening. Just saying.

Sadly, it probably won’t feature the incredible box of the PC kickstarter-exclusive edition, which was made to resemble the LucasArts boxes of old. :(

I gotta wonder if something equivalent to these tokens will be added to Destiny 2 (keep in mind I haven’t played 1, so I dunno what it’d be good for in-context).

... So for something goofier: I scrolled way too far, and the Infinite Scroll kicked in, and then I passed an article. Resulting in the first reaction to the E3 schedule I saw being “Who the FUCK smuggles live spiders???”

The specific “WoW Clone” type has been fading since like 2009, with only World of Warcraft itself and the relaunched Final Fantasy XIV really actively holding that banner anymore. There’s no shortage of MMORPGs out there, particularly in the free-to-play realm, but they tend to shake mechanics up more - in some cases

Disney would not have used inflatable Pikachus in the first place. The suits they use are a lot sturdier (which of course comes with its own problems like COOLING the things - this is why Winnie the Pooh only sticks around for at most 20 minutes at a time in the parks)

He was just intending to visit a couple local tourist traps for a weekend in a slightly less-screwed-up world! :(

Are you sure Blizz claimed copyright on the name? I’d heard that Blizz just asked Valve (and more specifically IceFrog, who was leading the project at the time) to narrow their Trademark, so Valve went with the nounified and specific trademark “DOTA 2" instead, since no one had a trademark on “Defense of the Ancients”

As someone who doesn’t know much about Dota but enjoys a good bit of eSport now and again - am I correct in positing that the trap play highlighted in the “Jebaited” clip represents a kind of trap play that is highly unusual, e.g. one MidOne would not likely have expected, representing tactics from a heretofore

This is probably the best way they could bring the “Classic” mechanic to the fore in a gacha - lose the hero, they’re out until the event’s end, but ice and ready for the next fight. Should be a good time, for those still into the game.

Personally, I kind of wish the game would offer a secret akin to that which was in one of Brutal Legend’s DLCs, where the taillights on the car would tell you which way to turn to get to the nearest secret, but the map otherwise offered no hints.

Kinda makes me wish I could have a button toggle on, say, SR (so only with joycons but w/e) to pop the minimap and such in and out.

It’s an ancient meme, yes. And, yeah, since 5th mix, bar has been standard and charts are made to be suited to it. This has even extended to competing games (In The Groove, Pump It Up, etc.)

It’s not just that; a few people started actively spreading We Are Number One, specifically, because the actor of Robbie Rotten was dealing with cancer; notice that many of the We Are Number One But (x) videos link to a specific GoFundMe.