
Looking at the match as-played, I gotta say: I think it’d work better if they’d gone classic TDM rather than ‘elimination’ format. When a team is reduced to one player, that player’s screwed, but the round ends up dragging on while they’re hunted down.

When I saw the mention of Incubi first getting mentioned in 4th edition, that seemed wrong - I was *sure* something had been written for them in 3.5. So, I looked... And it was, if and only if you count Dragon Magazine (Issue 353, page 33). It is, near as I can tell, correct to say Incubi only ever got a proper

Which is a new continuity entirely, and kind of an odd one from what’s been discussed. :(

Gringotts is a little different, in that it’s an actual coaster about half the time. But yes, this has become a Recurring Trope for Universal and even they admit it.

Part of the thing is that the DLC in question was stated as being partially meant as a joke by its developers - not something they expected people to actually, seriously purchase, but the equivalent of Oblivion’s infamous Horse Armor. Just, done in anime fanservice context.

I think it’d depend on the season’s length; if a season is only two months (Guild Wars 2, Overwatch), changing it between seasons outside of “OH HELL NAW” patches where something’s obviously broken seems feasible. A good rule might be “Start of Season, Around Halfway to playoffs/equivalent, After End Of Season.”

They’re going after Valve because they figure Valve is an easier target than Microsoft, Sony, Amazon, or Apple. Not likely to work, but...

This is a teensy bit different, in that Microsoft actually puts out a blanket “If you follow these rules, we’re chill with this” policy (unlike Nintendo). While one of the rules is “We can ask you to stop and you gotta do so if we do”, most likely (I haven’t read them), it’s otherwise in the clear.

Is anyone else reminded of Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol? Or is that just me?

Bloody hell I miss this series. :(


The Oregon Trail one remains my favorite of the ‘ethics in games journalism’ gags ever.

Basically, just saying “This isn’t us, please don’t associate it with us” several times.

It wouldn’t just be one niche subdivision, either. It’d be Vanilla Raiders, Vanilla PvPers, Vanilla RPers...

The phrase I recall from the Magic community was “First Turn Kill”.

I would legitimately “play” this game for a few minutes just for the sheer comedy factor, and am mildly disappointed that either Valve or Nealon removed it from the store.

Did you ever play Burnout Dominator? While it still had 3's takedowns, it was explicitly meant to harken back to 1 and 2 otherwise.

Why drive to work in a Rolls, when you can not have to drive to work ever again at all?

It’s interesting that this iteration is working well; however, it seems like Denuvo is actually just a measure to reinforce an existing DRM such as Steamworks. It has one very large advantage in that it appears to be effective, but not intrusive to legit customers; there’s no incidents of degradation with unusual

You sure it’s Boys over Flowers? I’m looking at it and I’m thinking Kamen Rider Kiva, though I don’t have time to validate that. The main character there is a violin obsessie with a very similar hairstyle.