
I agree greatly with “2K” (another advertising name for 1440p, because it’s in total twice the pixels of a 1080p screen so it’s totally 2000 right? :V) being a sweet spot for PC gaming for most users. 4K just is too fine for most player’s concerns unless they’re playing on crazy large screens - which, hey, some are,

I feel like an important one was missed:

I slightly disagree with this, in that it’s not Richard Stallman spreading the spoiler in frustration at some shitty thing Disney did. Just saying.

Metal Gear 1 (not Solid 1 - Solid was a new subseries in the Metal Gear franchise) was a good ten years before Thief.

Not really, sorry.

This is *partially* correct. The LEGO games are actually published by several different companies - the most consistent factor is the developer (Traveler’s Tales). LucasArts published all the Lego Star Wars games (and both Indiana Jones ones), Disney the Marvel one, DC many of the others, and Nintendo the

They were actually responsible for Sonic 3D Blast, which is one of the more underrated Sonics in my book.

It’s a complicated equation - and pointedly, I’d say it’s one Blizzard has fallen onto the wrong side of over time in WoW, even as they’ve nailed it on the head nicely with their more recent titles.

The biggest open secret of the games industry today: A surefire ticket to success is finding an inadequately recently filled niche and filling it.

They always milk everything so hard, and I legitimately love it.

This pattern’s less reliable now than it was back in the day - AFAIK, only Hollywood Studios still follows this rule, with the other Disney World parks often having their biggest things straight back dead center.

The Game Boy Advance one you were talking about was a collection of the Game Boy Mega Man games, was cancelled, and still isn’t available here.

Lore-wise, it’s correct that the Six are hiding or something (though Humans can still call on them in Elite skills); however, Dhuum, the god who showed up for bans, wasn’t one of those six.

The basic issue is that the crazier the game mode, the stronger the sense - accurate or otherwise - that luck is a defining factor in the gameplay. David Sirlin’s analysis of Brawl actually directly challenged this idea, but it’s held as a fairly important belief in the competitive community.

They actually DO discuss why this Thomas Wayne became Batman... In an event four years ago (Flashpoint - this is explicitly the Thomas Wayne from that timeline).

This one panel shows a change (re-read Endgame to check) - Joker wasn't stated as having his body poisoned or booby-trapped in Endgame. (Of course, his scheme there was a LOT bigger...)

Hrm. I was pretty sure the Arkham City Endgame comic (which is between Arkham City and the Revenge Of Harley Quinn DLC) had already done the cremation angle. Odd.

Some professional writings on the free-to-play model have indicated that part of this is that, in China in particular, paying your way to victory in one of the big MMOs is a form of conspicuous consumption. "Look at me, I'm so rich I can blow enough money to be on top of the chests-opened leaderboard!" is an actual

The PS3 actually had to have PS1 hardware components to run PS1 games optimally, if I recall correctly. Given how, hardware-wise, the PS4's a clean break with the previous systems...

I don't count that as a problem - that's a freaking talent.