
I feel like podcasts are perfect for household chores... including, but not limited to, power washing :)

Agreed! Negative videogame business decisions & news get so much attention (and rightfully so!) so I’m happy this news is getting the press it deserves.

“...Its main conceit seems to be that drivers might reject electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles en masse based on an inability to choose their own sounds...

Does anyone know if the loss of tax revenue would be offset by the money reclaimed from ending subsidies? 

Thank you for posting this! I read the horseshit line about added costs & thought of that John Oliver clip immediately.

At the very end of the video, it says that the software does NOT come with the game


He stated that he & his wife don’t like people so... you’re good?

What the fuck? Seriously? It’s been 11 years since they stopped making them?

Unless it’s since been removed or OP is a technophobe, there absolutely is a menu option to connect a phone via Bluetooth on the uConnect system.... It isn’t even buried in menu options... And once it’s paired, it connects right away. 

OR you can look at it as making it easier for people to enjoy their product, you pompous ass :)

as soon as the subsidies are removed gasoline prices will raise by minimum 2x if not 3x or 4x.

How about ending oil subsidies immediately & *heavily* incentivize electric vehicles?

“I don’t really remember anything significant over those 4 years besides twitter drama and immigration.”

Grass > Sand

This is what kills me. I’m in a totally unrelated, yet high niche field... Technically, I went college for what I’m currently working in now but I was fucking LOST when I first started.... like, what the fuck did I even go to college for? I learned everything on the job or on my own...

This is what kills me. I’m in a totally unrelated, yet highly niche field... Technically, I went college for what I’m currently working in now but I was fucking LOST when I first started.... like, what the fuck did I even go to college for? I learned everything on the job or on my own...

On the surface, I love this...

Not at all. Kotaku isn’t just about videogames. You should have already known that.”

In case any shitbags want to denounce this article because there’s no mention of videogames, please be advised that Kevin Conroy voiced the caped crusader in the Arkham games :)