
For real, each slide got uglier than the next. What in the fuck...

...Following its investigation, OSHA proposed $6,837 in penalties. Just for reference, American Airlines has a market cap about a little bit over $9 billion....

They’d probably cite some horseshit reason for keeping it secret, like "SaFeTy" or something the public would have no way to challenge. 

I don’t know if he wanted to do movies prior to videogames (could be wrong) but his work is heavily influenced by cinema. He’s spoken to a few notable directors on his Spotify podcast... definitely seems to have an “in” with Hollywood, even if it’s not necessarily producers or other big wigs.

“... Bottom line: The elimination of so called “loopholes” will result in less product and you paying more at the pump.”

If it’s the first result on google, nope, it’s a couple of generations before me :)

As for Peach her voice and look are great, but I fear she’s going get called WOKE in this movie because she doesn’t play the damsel in distress.

I picked up on the Mad Max reference as well. Protagonists being chased by a massive convoy of antagonists?

Totally agree. I taught my kids (2 @ <7 y.o.) that mystery toys are a waste of time & money... while they’ll only want a particular toy or card that could be inside whatever they’re eyeing, I want them to savor the disappointment of yet another Pidgey.

That’s fair... I hope you’re wrong! :-D

Got a source on that? I follow a few authority blogs & must have missed this news story.

Someone at my job as a manual cx-5 ! I think they only made them in their first gen & fwd only!

Small + Midsize SUVs.

I don’t disagree with you but I was surprised at how much technology was packed into those square heads.

I’ve been catching up on some switch games & super Mario 3d world did this. Die enough enough times in a level & you’ll get a white tanooki suit. It won’t protect you from falling to your death or time running out but it’ll render you invulnerable for the rest of the level.

Wait, a 2 speed trans or 2 electric motors, to geared differently? 

“... you realize that it’s effectively the same as having two electric motors with different individual gearing...”

Someone ELI5: why *aren’t* we adding transmissions to EVs? If battery drainage is comparatively higher at highway speeds bc the electric motor is spinning faster... isn’t that similar to how a traditional ICE engine works? Higher fuel consumption at higher RPMs & thus a transmission allows the engine to maintain an

...your connected app requires you to subscribe to a carrier?

I hate that I don't hate this.