

Can I get a TL;DR on what the bacterium breaks the fuel down into? I’m assuming, at the very least, it gets broken down into something less worse than diesel fuel...

Hey boomer, you can download maps to your phone when it looses signal. This isn’t 2002 anymore.

Dude, not everyone has the storage space for at least 4 extra sets of wheels & tires.

Thank you sir!

Would each subsequent DLC I purchase need to be on Epic? 

You got it! I would edit my original comment with YMMV because as I’ve found out from other replies I received, not all library systems carry videogames!

I mean, I appreciate hidden headlights as much as the next gear head but I also recognize that they’re a moving part prone to failure.


Does the Hyundai Santa Cruz count?

I’m in a ‘burb outside of NYC.... My entire county shares the same resources so we frequently request books for our kids & they come in from a neighboring library. The same principal applies to other forms of media (including, but not limited to videogames).

I’ve gotten one of these bullshit tickets before. My frame was a New Jersey devils frame. “New Jersey” on my tag was instructed by the words “ New Jersey” on the frame itself.

Yeah, I figure this is LPT is *very* dependent on where you live & how close you are to the nearest city 🫤

I know YMMV, depending on your city or municipality, but when I found out & asked the librarian, they confirmed that they had videogames to loan out since *at least* the 90s... which is when I spent the most time & money playing games 🤷🏻‍♂️

“...As a younger teen, GameFly was awesome. I had very little money and lots of time to play games. With the service, which lets you rent games via the mail for a monthly fee...”

how did this go from A Way to Play on the Switch to a Rip Off?

My comment was more hypothetical as opposed to anecdotal... but it’s good to see you’ve logged onto the internet to get worked up about some rando stranger’s hot take about videogames.

I have limited free time throughout the week & if my chosen time of day to play (after the kids go to bed, weekends, etc) doesn’t jive with their servers, the game won’t work properly?

Hmmmm, I’m also a younger but taller Italian American brother (def  more sugar than my brother) & I feel like I should have a tattoo of Luigi...