
Who hurt you?

I have nothing to add to your comment... but I really appreciate what you’re trying to say here & the comments that follow (at least at the time I’m writing this) is a really good discussion!

Oh jeez, if they received, “fixed” & sent back so quickly... yeah, I’d be skeptical if they fixed anything at all... especially since they’re so backlogged with fixing these joy cons...

Then what’s keeping you paying in any respect?”

What are the odds that they offer a lower priced plan that excludes “features” like games I’ll never play?

I’m unfamiliar with these process so forgive my ignorance: do you get confirmation that you’d be receiving your controller back? Meaning, if you sent in your yellow joy con, would you get your specific controller back in return or a previously ( & theoretically) repaired yellow joy con?

Fucking A!  I can play as Donnie Yen?!

I wouldn’t say the limiting factor on these vehicles is our ability to produce them. It’s being very careful to make sure that we maintain the niche credibility.”

Also, does any car come with a full spare anymore?

Honestly, I've read through most of the answers & their mostly domestic automakers (with the exception of the Nissan Altima).

Ain’t no eraser big enough to wipe that from our memories...

...It’s not even transactional or antagonistic. I think that’s the bigger disconnect for me. It shouldn’t be as much “we want a thing” or “we need to defend against the company”. It’s more like “it seems it’s easier to agree on things this way, so this is how we’re gonna interact from now on”...

Yup. Even with the raise, keep that company in line!

Oh shit, we got a "medical professional" on our hands.

Later bc they were obtained from a subsequent dlc?

Hey Boomer, you can download maps so that when you lose cell service, you can still get around

4 hour workday? Sure!

Have they tried pizza on Fridays though? 

You’re talking about things making logical sense... in a game where there’s a unicorn that’s made of diamonds & shits out rainbows.

I’m with you. I’ve used cheat tables to mod out irritating aspects of games & borderlands is no different.