
I usually hit [END] once to jump down right to the comments & scroll up.

I usually hit [END] once to jump down right to the comments & scroll up.

Still, 10% > 0% so even if 10% effective was accurate, why wouldn’t you just take it?

Dude, just don’t connect it to the ‘net. Instant dumb TV.
Full disclaimer: I own a Samsung smart TV but still chooses to use Chromecast.

Sure sounds like a bunch of right wing snowflakes to me...

I’ll go against the grain and not attack OP.

Right? There’s some crucial context missing from this study, which makes me question the validity of the study as a whole.

Hopefully, your friends will be able to read lips when you say, “WHAT NOW, BITCH?” once their hearing finally goes.

Excessive, yeah. But I think it’s SOP. I’ve been pulled over plenty of times in my past & that was the case, even for a white boy like me.

This is so fucking good.

If I had to guess how this will be tied into the new ant man movie, I’d say that a hot wheels car meets a grown disc (tl;dr - small discs that are thrown that enlarge things they land on).

Sure, I’ll just turn off my ad blocker in 5... 4... 3.......... 2.......................

As a millennial in his early 30s, I follow a simple rule in life: If it’s not food, don’t fucking eat it.

Does she understand math? For example: 0 < 30

“Iread some of those things. And it says I ‘hint at an Ant-Man 3.’ I have no idea. If there is an Ant-Man 3, it would be great to be in it. That’s all I said. I don’t work at Marvel. I’m not part of the studio. And I don’t have the money to fund the movie. I wish I had $150 million around, you know. It’s like, one of

There’s no way to ask this without coming off as facetious so just know that this is not my intention: Do you just not allow anyone to touch your phone? What if something goes for it with altruistic intentions?

I’d wager that any offended party would be white... so fuck it. You’re allowed to like & appreciate something outside of your own ilk.

For over 2+ years, I was super careful with my Nexus 4. Never dropped it once.... then my mother accidentally dropped it on my concrete patio and there went the screen.

How does this compare to nutritional yeast that’s frequently referred here?

“Shit! He’s cracked our khode”

Now playing

That looks prit-taaaay prit-taaaay... awful.