
- Don’t wear giant fake mustaches, sombreros, or serapes, especially if they’re the kind acquired from party stores. You don’t need those to have a good time, and those perpetuate offensive stereotypes.

Well, aren’t we the delicate little snowflake?

You, sir, get a star for conceding defeat.

You, sir, get a star for conceding defeat.

I sincerely hope you don’t get T-boned by an 18-wheeler that runs a red light, are forced to live in a full body cast for 6 months, go through rehab for years after, run the risk of your insurance dropping you because you got to be too expensive, and then “pay your own way” through all that.

Fuck, that’s good.

Seriously. This asshole deserves to die in a fire.

Who the F uses their foam roller in dirt?

Who the F uses their foam roller in dirt?

I have nothing to add to your comment, other than looking at your icon and wondering, “When the fuck did I make that comment?”

Or at worst teaches the passerby that neither side can be trusted. 

I’m playing devils advocate here: The data saved on zero rating services could be used for services that aren’t zero rated.

Hey dude. I’m all ears. If you have a better means of convincing people to accept well regarded science, I’d love to hear it.

You sir get a star for civility.

I never said it didn’t. Here’s the batshit crazy party of OP’s statement.

Oh my freaking god. You ever have an argument with someone and everything they said to you supported your argument instead of theirs?

You are so freaking insane, I literally can’t even tell if you’re trolling or not.

I hate to point the finger at someone & tell them they’re fucking dumb, but I’m going to have to exercise that.

I’m replying to get you out of the shadows so you can be ridiculed by the masses.


Ugh, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve swiped the tablet after hearing, “We’ll be back, after this ad” 20 freaking consecutive times.

Alright. I’m not even going to bother googling this because results will be all over the map because of the likes of infowars, briebart, etc, but... your numbers are right, just not what you’re associating them with.