
Kelllyanne, tragically, became a double amputee following the Bowling Green Massacre.

I never get them. Well, virtually never - I’ve had exactly one and I got over it on my own. I think it’s probably a little like cavities or acne where there are some obvious things you can do but that just don’t work for some people. I reckon about 50 years of dedicated microbiome research is going to shed light on

I know reality tv is not brain food, and it’s not “harmless” in all cases but I love “trash tv” as much as the next person and have a doctorate. Sometimes, I don’t want to watch something “thought-provoking” when I get home from doing research on meaty issues like incarceration rates, recidivism and sexual abuse. I

We get 480 days of paid leave. 660 if you have twins. 390 days with about 80% of your salary (up to a cap) and 90 days with a small allowance. 90 days are reserved for each parent, if they don’t use them they can’t be transferred to the other parent and are forfeited. You don’t have to use the benefits consequently or

You don’t think coding is work? Fuck yourself and go back to the 19th century.

I disagree on the “doctor” point as long as they’re being referred to in the context of their field. If you’re talking to a professor at a university or someone doing research I feel like “Dr. ___” is way more appropriate than “Mr./Mrs./Ms. ___” because it acknowledges their qualification to speak on the subject.

I’m sorry, but the non-MDs have it right. “Doctor” comes from the Latin for “teacher” and was used by the university teachers for two centuries before the medical use. The Ph.D. is a “Doctor of philosophy” - that’s the D.

When dealing with media prejudiced and primarily released in the American milieu, the thoughts of Asian Americans should take precedence over those of Asians. It’s a lot easier to Kanye shrug it off when you don’t experience daily life as a cultural or racial minority.

Should have clarified. Im SEA-American living in the Northeast.

In twin and family studies there is a very strong hereditary link.. The type of link you only find if there is a genetic basis.

Autism is diagnosed more now. I work with developmentally disabled adults, most in their 40s-70s. Very few are diagnosed with autism. Actually, of the about 36 ladies I regularly work

I believe the balance of science right now shows a combination. It’s a bunch of factors.

I think the best thing to do as an ally is to speak to the women around you and ask what you can do to support them striking.

dam sandwich? I think they could have used 1 of those in Cali.

Finally, a day where I can goof off and not write my thesis (;☉_☉)

I think it depends on your office. If taking the day off in solidary with women will make more of an impact, then do it. If working that day will allow other women to participate in the strike and not have to worry about minimum coverage, then do that.

Don’t you DARE ruin dumplings for me like that!

Evolutionary biology is usually fine. It’s evolutionary psychologists, like this muppet, who don’t seem to have a good grasp on either evolution, nor psychology, and have never heard of a little thing called culture.

I’m also a tall man who rides the subway every day. And yet I didn’t feel the need to don my fedora of justice.

Mine would’ve been like “Janelle stayed home and sat at the computer all night playing Neopets. WHAT IS SHE HIDING???”