
This is a gorgeous look, as she is a gorgeous woman.
But, to me, it seems too contrived. Almost (almost!) something I would attempt in a bar bathroom three drinks and two shots into the night. Hair over shoulder, unbutton down to there, and for me, I'd pop that collar.

She did an NPR interview on her portrayal of Mary Poppins author, P.L. Travers about two weeks ago.
I fell in love with her all over again. So down to earth, so well spoken. At moments, she was all no-fucks-given. I could easily see a laid back evening spent with this lady.

My god. Tears. Tears of utter joy watching this.

This song. So much this.
Oh, and I'm so happy you came to Jezebel. I've really enjoyed your articles and writing style.

Hey, if it's any consolation, I've been a gray recently. Or, at least 3-4 weeks after new-Kinja rolled out.
I've been a Jeze for ??? 3 years? I remember Superstella, Larissa Fae, and OMG! Ponies! with fondness.
Not sure what happened. But, I figure I'll post an amazing comment one day and the mighty hand of Gawkergod

And Luna makes more sense in that she was raised completely understanding her magical world. Something that Harry could truly desire/appreciate in a GF/SO. Even Cho (had the character been further developed) would have been great.

I love fedoras (and panamas, and Aussies) and I wish with all my heart that they had never been sullied by the categorically blind hipster movement.
That said, tipping your hat, "m'lady", and gratuitous door holding are not hallmark etiquette of this era. You would look like a hipster from a bygone era, thoroughly out

Thos diamonds doe.

Daw shucks.

I have one! He is a real sweety, but not a talker at all. Very high maintenance until they grow up. Mine is 5 now, and while usually a gentleman, he is highly predatory. He could easily make it on his own in the wilds of AK.
This is him:

"Don't be silent..."
About a normal physical urge that begins around 10 months of age? I had to have the talk with my 4 year old daughter numerous times that, while okay, self-touch (that what I called it then for her age) was a private thing to do in her room. Ditto that talk for my son around the same age. Now, I

I missed the Madonna Era by about ten years. That said, I dug her "ray of light" and "Frozen" back when.
However, who the hell dresses like a character off Urban Cowboy when all other participants are tres chic and elegant? It's as though all of this is a joke and she's the only one who gets it??

I know! It's killing me.
Much laughs.

So Grease. Much dance. Swedes. Lol mustache.

sigh when doesn't that man do everything right?

This one is causing my trypophobia to act up.

Dat CatAss doe. Imma give dat bitch a plus one, bitches luv plus ones.

I hunt, net fish, trap, and pick berries. I'm usually reticent about posting that on this site as I know, and respect, that a lot of people disagree with those choices. I find that the act of hunting, cleaning, and eating an animal really does shudder at the overused cliche bring you closer to your food and more