Nein Bitte


Day drinking yes, I am still working on morning drinking.


Well done. I started to write a response, and then I gritted my teeth, looked at this fucker’s posts - all rants to provoke people into angry responses - and said “I will not feed the troll.”

It’s really been a surprise, hasn’t it? I mean who in their right mind could have seen this coming a year ago.......

You might not care when you’re bleeding to death, but what about when you’re dealing with the anguish of bone spurs?

HEXXUS! I just found a gif and the memory of hissss daaangerous, hissssingggg voice flashed back: Tim Curry. He was perfect!

Thank you, yes—Avatar was an absolute bastardization of Ferngully!

(*sits in your corner*) Avatar was just live-action Ferngully.

Maybe you need spageters if you sad.

At this point, I’d legit settle for this (very good) dog as president.

“If you support Nazis, you are an asshole. There is no other side”

Why thank you, kind person...and yes, I was career Army.

I guess he assumes an embassy is run like a Trump property.

Honestly, I’ll probably just criticize them even more. It’s like telling someone not to think of elephants.

According to a report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, Trump’s erratic approach to healthcare policy has “led insurers to seek higher premium increases for 2018 than would otherwise have been the case.”

My friend’s theory of Melania being a Russian spy (Putin has been playing the long con with DT, successfully) seems right. When she’s in his company she can’t completely erase the disdain from her face, like, this assignment is so distasteful that it’s not worth the millions she’s getting paid by Putin.

Here’s 45 celebrating the loss of American jobs. (Even though he’s too stupid to understand these people are not actually fired, they’ll most likely get reassigned)

Hey, I appreciate the info. It was like a Fodor’s Guide for oppressed and endangered people.