They made a right choice
They made a right choice
Definitely the case in Alabama as well. North Carolina may be the poster child right now, but certainly those districts are a disease all over the place.
Unfortunately I guess this is really the story in every red state. I’m from a very blue city in a moderately blue county in Alabama. 730,000 of us voted for Hillary. But winner-take-all elections and American style democracy makes a 60-40 split seem more like a 100-0 split.
Just wait for his next role, when he plays Goose!
It was absurdist satire. Then it was satire. Then it was just humorous versions of real news. At no point did they change their style or outlook significantly.
Surprisingly it was his parents who did the original complaining.
At least Jimmy Carter’s hands are big enough to hold a hammer.
Just a note- they’re totally going to vote in that Senate Health Care bill this week. The good news, there’s two definite no votes so far, that being Susan Collins and Rand Paul. The bad news is the remaining moderates are hiding in a bunker hoping nobody notices they haven’t said no yet. Supposedly, they’re too…
“Lies and the Lying Liars That Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right”
“No, it’s Hydra. Hi-drah.”
You’re so vain... I bet you think these protests are about you, don’t you?
In my head, I heard this in Bill Burr’s voice and now I can’t stop laughing.
Are you that big a fan of KFC Famous Bowls?
The republican party does the same thing. One night last year, before the election, I was watching Rachel Maddow’s show, and she did a story on letters that the RNC was sending to elderly seniors, telling them that, unless they immediately sent donations in to Reince Priebus, they might get kicked out the the party. …
Who Would Jim (Bakker) Defraud?
They probably all wear WWJD wrist bands
god damnit