Has her neck always been that long?
Has her neck always been that long?
Libs and Dems and the FAKE NEWS media attacking Ivanka over shoes she did not dezine. SAD. #MAGA
It’s happened to all of us: we’re driving along, minding our own business, obeying the traffic laws, heading through…
I’m pretty sure I just heard Caine’s voice in a commercial for foot fungus medication?
Go die in a ditch. Which is what you’re giggling over with this human being.
How much does a human head weigh?
If anyone’s interested I’m holding an emergency Election Day Phonebank training tomorrow at 8:30 AM MST: http://www.turnoutpac.org/phone-bank-turn-mt-blue/
>I grew up/was extremely religious in the south and once went to a workshop called “Mother Teresa is in Hell”.
Certain of his books are really, really good. Others were written during cocaine and alcohol-fueled binges (Cujo, Tommyknockers) that they really don’t hold up well. King apparently doesn’t remember writing Cujo, since he was blackout drunk during most of the writing process.
I’m a dude who likes to have the back and sides clean and tight with some length up top, but I like it to blend cleanly. You can tell how terrible someone is by how stark the demarcation is between short and long and by whether the transition point matches their head shape or not.
Irrelevantly, the photo associated with this story reminds me that I need opinions about what to do with my haircut, since, although it’s being styled differently by this creep, I think I basically have the same one. Undercut with a long-ish flop on top. It used to be a cut that us queers could wear and be proud of…
I’d buy that for a dollar!
I know a middle school science teacher who isn’t sure if she believes in evolution. Teachers can be ignorant and incompetent like everyone else!
See: Al Capone’s vault
I call them “Bowl of Soup” suits after the Czernik line in “Caddyshack”:
His supporters still think trickle down economics is brilliant. They’ll cheer on this change. Because of the billionaires just get richer, maybe one day I’ll make some money too! And let’s not forget they’re JOB CREATORS. even though most of them don’t believe in minimum wage period. Maybe jobs will come back but…