God, what a stupid fuck.
God, what a stupid fuck.
I see your comments across the Gizmodo sites, and as always, on point. I hope you are doing well today, and if my assumptions are correct, based on my time in, I thank you for your service.
It also puts him in a safer position, seeing as how, unhinged as the DPRK is, they won’t strike first. Rest assured, if war breaks out, we’ll have fired the first shots.
This needs more stars, that scene is truly nightmare fuel. That, and the donkey scene from Pinocchio. Disney movies are scary.
Honestly, feels nice to be able to share a little info. I’m by no means a dumb person, but I’ve been reading comments here a long time (2010?) and I usually find myself more often out of the know. These sites have made me a more thorough researcher.
Sorry, ninja is being weird, I would have put this with the link: it was a traveling guide book during the era of Jim Crow. Short explanation is that it would tell where was safe to stop on a road trip if you were black. They don’t teach it in school that I know of, but for me, it just shows the way things were at…
A travel advisory? Seriously, this is some Jim Crow era shit. How about we just publish a new Green Book? What in the actual fuck?
Unfortunately that really is the case. I saw a really good election map that instead of just being 2D, which would indicate overwhelming red populations, actually had 3D graphs of voter populations across the map. It showed just how many more people vote blue, but that there packed into urban environments.
Is that where the word white separatist/ militia types are? I’m aware of the state’s history, and kept track of the horrific BLM Bundy incident. Was definitely looking west, though. Always assumed the cost of living has to be insane there.
If I don’t find something back home, I’d really like to find somewhere in either Oregon or Texas. I’m living in Texas now, and I really don’t hate it. Stuck in the city atm, but they also support their outdoor attractions. I’m an avid angler, so I really want something close to water. There is actually housing plots…
Eh, mostly folks are nice and keep to their own. Autonomy is a big thing in the South. Honestly, I doubt the people will trouble you, aside from all the rednecky bumper stickers. You are moving to a state that overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Places like TN are an acquired taste, but with your aspirations, I think…
Im not particularly familiar with the area, but I will say that having the college will probably lighten the red a bit. Downside is there are probably some religious crazies, they tend to prey on campuses. And yeah, our state denied the Medicaid expansion, and I’m amazed there wasn’t a bigger uproar, but a lot of…
I have the same aspirations. I sincerely wish you the best on your goals. TN is a beautiful state, the people are generally polite and hospitable, but, unfortunately, the economy and the government are wrecked. It is a blood red state outside of Memphis and Nashville. There is no state tax, which is strangling the…
Yeah, good luck with that. I just moved from TN, where I’ve loved most of my life. Added bonus: because of the teeth that were yanked out the ACA mandate, both independent private insurance and employer offered insurance have seen increases in premiums, since fewer and fewer healthy individuals can afford health…
As someone who served in the military, and whose wife is a current servicemember, this is horseshit. You wanna know where all the spending goes? In our lopsided rank structure. We have a General Officer Corps that is overpopulated, who on top of receiving salary and commission, have 5 figure expense accounts to pay…
I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. This reads like a desperate attempt to salvage some popularity. Sorry, bud, the damage is done.
This is heartbreaking to hear. He was the character that locked me into True Blood. This is tragic, and I hope his family has all the support they need in what must be a devastating time. Damn.
That is doubly fucked, considering what you have to pay to even carry that stupid card. My wife’s grandfather gave literally thousands of dollars from his military retirement pension to the Republican Party. And what did he get? Weekly letters asking for more. What more could you ask from an 80 year old vet with…