Nein Bitte

On a serious note, the aggressive tactics to squeeze money out of elderly and impoverished just line their own pockets has blinded me with rage. Disgusting.

Completely off topic, but I didn’t know where else to post it: the AP is reporting that Karen Handel has won the election for the Georgia 6th Congressional District. I am disappoint.

I’ve been to the shop that supplied that rifle to Mr Heston for that speech, and aside from the very cool antique car collection they have, it is every bit as awful as you would imagine.

Holy crap that was awkward. My face feels flushed just watching that.

Seriously, even if she is going to file her finances and contacts and so on, as if anyone with any oversight will be vetting her financial disclosures, how is this not the literal definition of nepotism?

As a hetero that wears the same ‘do because it was an easy transition from a military haircut, I take small comfort in the fact that I use a fraction of the product that they use to grease that shit to their skull. A very small comfort.

See: Gavin Mckinnes.

My high school Honors Biology teacher prefaced the chapter on evolution by stating her disbelief in it. She was a coach that got forced to teach to keep a paycheck in my podunk town.