
Is it drumming up artificial demand, or merely not satisfying existing demand? There's only so many people who want to buy these shoes at the super expensive price Nike charges. If there was enough supply to sell to 90% of those demanding, how much would demand actually drop?

The "this" I'm wondering why they do is: have such limited availability. Why not keep charging $200 a pair and sell them to everyone willing to pay too much for a pair of sneakers?

The lawyers won't be the problem when individual states at first and then later Congress grant certain immunities to the automakers and autonomous systems companies. That's what's been keeping self-driving vehicles from being developed and that's what will happen.

Their T tail may well be similarly vulnerable to deep stalls like existing T tails. Their elevator is proportionally much wider to the body than an MD-80/90 or Boeing 717. Perhaps that will help even when in the shadow of the wing?

It would probably be a gristly death instead.

The Nexus One was a success in certain ways. It spurred other Android manufacturers to move to large, 800x480 screens instead of the 3.2" 480x320 they had been. It also had the fastest processor for a few months. It got the timid manufacturers to really compete with more expensive hardware.

You sit in the back rows when you go to the movies don't you? Do you think everyone choosing to sit closer is making a mistake? Forty feet from the screen is the middle rows of a medium-sized theater. For this almost thirteen foot screen, I'd love to watch movies on it while sitting between thirteen and twenty feet

In the future, how about lawyers, architects, and anyone already carrying around larger papers than 8.5"x11", or just carrying a larger briefcase. They'd also be good for displaying two pages of a textbook side by side.

I assume you're being sarcastic. Have you thought about what will be available three years from now? How about a breakthrough in low-power screens that allow for 17" slates that don't need two pounds of batteries? When you have room, 17" is a good size for emulating an open textbook. I find learning from them is

So on your next car, will you pick tires that ride more comfortably, or stick with ones that look cooler?

May I suggest pausing to eat or sleep?

If it's par for the course, why are their competitor sites' headlines less sensationalist?

Gamers will be able to look left and right by turning their head and body. We use 16:9 on stationary displays because they're stationary. Once the field of vision becomes mobile, perhaps 4:3 is actually more immersive.

When using it for VR or Augmented Reality, it might really matter having more of the top and bottom visible. Imagine putting black bars on a pair of glasses and it becomes harder to see the ground or look up. In real life perhaps 4:3 or 1:1 is more useful when not watching movies.

The next revolution in computing from Apple will be the iGlasses. Google will do it first, but Apple will do it better, and with higher resolution.

Alternatively, if the sun's energy output hasn't changed much, perhaps our changed atmosphere is holding more energy in. When there's more energy circulating, it causes more energetic weather systems. Systems which manifest as more extreme weather and sometimes but not always warmer.

You carry your husky in your handbag as a fashion-accessory?

Now if Samsung would please just make a 24 or 27" monitor at 2560x1600 that didn't cost $1000 like the current 27 inchers.

I'm pretty sure Dmoralize's point is because Samsung's Galaxy phones can be made from their own company's parts, this saves them major money. Samsung's profit margins go up, or lets them compete on price. It will be hard for companies like HTC and Motorola who don't make any of the chips in their phones to compete in

What about support for headset displays? Windows 10? Sooner or later we're going to have displays centimeters from our eyes, projected onto the retina, or implanted into our heads. Sony's HMZ-T1 is 720p and $800. The price will come down. Imagine the PS4 supporting that with head tracking. Google is rumored to have