
If the keyboard hardware or drivers are still in beta, MS wants all the time it can get to make them better. If the keyboard is awesome, they want to keep Apple and Google guessing about how it performs and not have a benchmark. If the keyboard is not awesome, and only good or worse, MS doesn't want to spoil the buzz

I can't imagine the effects, but I expect the engineers with Masters and PhDs can and will.

Is anyone who doesn't wipe off the spout before using actually getting sick? If not, then it should be a non-issue, despite any psychological hangups.

They probably will sell most of these mice to non-twitch gamers. In theory those games are comfortably playable with a light grip. You might like the Logitech G500 10 button mouse which I own, or the G700 which has 13 buttons. They don't have buttons under your thumbpad. They have three and four buttons respectively

No I'm not sure. Your thumb is supposed to rest on the buttons. The mouse can be held with some force, but if you hold it too tightly you're going to have unintentional button presses.

Hmm, reminds me of fashionable women putting up with the pain their high heels cause them. You could keep the keyboard and next to it put a Razer Nostromo Gaming Keypad or Logitech G13 Programmable Gameboard. I bet you'll find the comfort and symmetry make relearning the key positions easy.

Sounds like you'd be better off with a gaming keypad since they're designed for ergonomics.

Normally. If you hold your mouse with a death grip you'll have to adjust and use less pressure. Logitech put some effort into figuring out how much force is needed to press the buttons without it being too much.

Fly airlines that use more Boeing aircraft and you should be able to find out in advance what the usual plane is for a given flight number.

I think they'll find more solace knowing you lived a long life, they got to experience more of it with you, and you didn't die so young and you could have lived much longer.

If you eat a cheesesteak-centric diet and die at age 60 when you could have lived to 75, your spouse, children, and friends will be very sad they didn't get to spend more years with you.

So do you often cut off your nose to spite your face?

To be fair I don't want a hotel like this built somewhere with a living coral reef. The construction would send a cloud of coral and wildlife harming muck far and wide. Though there's so much dead reef now that finding a place for this shouldn't be too hard, and if the operator wants people to come it would have a

In a hot and lifeless environment.

What sea life is there naturally around Dubai? All the satellite photos I see make the water look like it's filled with sand. Combined with all the artificial island building, it seems like the coastal waters are as desolate and empty of life as the rock and dunes on land. It doesn't interest me to go look at the

Parallel to the largest arch? Under the center of the arch or more towards the wavy towers? How does the rail functionality mesh with the structure?

Seven photos on the linked page and not one of them illustrates where the trains go in or out of the structure.

The image is an illustration. In real life, how quickly would the material cool? At what point would it go from the visible spectrum to only infrared?

Their prototype has the display above where we're looking, not right in the middle of it. So it's in the wrong place for AR the way you and I want to experience it.

Back when Jordan was playing basketball, weren't the shoes widely available to everyone, just expensive?