
If the job is given to gizmodo employees, yes it would be too much work. However if it was given to a large bunch of responsible starred commenters, it would be fine. Users who didn't want to exercise their new power wouldn't have to.

Define "good articles." Many Giz articles are written to be provocative or have a POV. This gets readers to click through and perhaps argue in the comments or just watch the commenters fight. Like a fight in high school, people can't help but watch. Unlike in high school, there are advertisements prominently visible.

Having to bite your tongue to avoid promoting a comment sounds like a small price you pay for having a star. Instead non-starred commenters like me do the berating for you. I'm sure it reduces the overall level of berating, which is probably a good thing. Only for a while longer I guess.

My concern with point 1 is it'll just create small rooms for everybody to make the same comments over and over again. All these rooms, with identical sets of comments, bringing up the same points and arguments. Massively redundant. The only thing it accomplishes is making each room a manageable size for discussion and

Just about. Usually 2048 is used instead of 1920. As in 2048 x 858 (2.39 aspect ratio),

Like "obscene" you know it when you see it. Yes I'm not being totally serious. Anyway it was a discussion of what's reasonable, not legal. To use more extreme examples, you must have jaywalked at some point in your life. Should you suffer the consequences every time? If you reach a stop sign out among empty fields at

OK at $12/hour the cost would be 11x and $108. But what if Apple uses the same million robots Foxconn is buying over the next three years? The ratio of robots to operators and maintenance technicians will be very favorable. Foxconn's costs are going to go up slightly. If Apple uses the same robots in America the cost

I've read it's as little as $65 more. The reason is total time it takes to assemble an iPad just isn't that much. Seconds here and seconds there don't add up to hours per iPad so even with the higher cost of labor and land and evironmental compliance, it's doable. That's why some things are still made in America.

I remember it being $65 more for iPads. I think they would still sell very well costing that much more.

With all their billions Apple could buy DHL and then always give themselves priority flying product to market.

I'm obviously not kurkos but if I was, I just flipped over my Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite from 2001 and it says Made in Mexico. Does Taiwan still make motherboards or has that moved?

"No, he could have killed a lot of people."

No the truck driver had a GPS jammer he kept on continuously. From wikipedia "Smaller handheld (cell phone) models block all bands from 800MHz to 1900MHz within a 30-foot range (9 meters)... The radius of cell phone jammers can range from a dozen feet for pocket models to kilometers for more dedicated units." So it

GPS and Cell phone jammers are different and work differently. Jamming GPS requires continuous usage. Jamming a call to cause a disconnect takes seconds and doesn't require jamming GPS frequencies. Your whole scenario is out of scale.

GPS and Cell phone jammers are different and work differently. Jamming GPS requires continuous usage. Jamming a call to cause a disconnect takes seconds and doesn't require jamming GPS frequencies. Your whole scenario is out of scale.

Your case is not affected if you're talking at normal volume. The "good" news is it only takes a short pulse to disconnect a call. So the doctor could call or be called back and continue. It's a loud talker in the bus who might need two or three pulses to give up.

If he only used it when people are talking too loudly as opposed to normal conversation levels, that'd be great.

Like our attempts at saving the california condor, pandas, bald eagles, and american bison were all misguided and didn't work? Except they did. We learn and our understanding of systems improves. We can and will do better at saving species when there is the will to.

If the Barred Owls didn't have different habitat from the Spotted Owl to fall back on, you'd have a real point and not just a joke.