
@bustedchain: Gizmodo left out that the process takes six to eight minutes, so it's not instant at all.

@hostile-17: It's a pressure chamber, not a blaster, and it takes 6 to 8 minutes per batch. That means the lobsters are alive and being crushed to death over several minutes. That doesn't necessarily sound less painful than boiling.

@Spartanical: Maybe if you'd been trained since four weeks old you'd have gotten over your aversion to rats.

@Pray4Mojo: If only your browser would put a red squiggly line under misspelled words like mine does (Firefox).

@dsprehe89: AMD's design is modular on purpose. They can use the same chip for mid-range cards and two or more for the high end.

I'd like them to add a sandbox or freeplay mode where I can choose which birds to use and use as many as needed to beat the level. I don't enjoy levels that take try after try to beat.

@mintyfloss: Brushes don't work very well on short-haired cats. I'd like to see one that does.

@JimboLodisC: Engineer: "I can get re-employed. You'll still be a dick."

Instead of transparent touch screens, can we please have eyeglass displays with variable transparency or laser-to-retina projection? Replace the screen on cell phones with a trackpad that communicates with the glasses.

@TheJabberwocky: Call blocking. As in block a telemarketing number and the phone doesn't ring. Root also allows for taking screenshots, and underclocking. Why underclock? So I can take my phone on a trip for a few days and the battery lasts longer.

@JakeMG: Waxing Pedantic: What bugs me is in my opinion, the most important things a mobile should be are: a phone, apps, the OS, the size and shape of it, the camera. The way it looks should take a back seat to those priorities. Yet it certainly seems way too many gizmodo commenters, not necessarily you, are

@JakeMG: Waxing Pedantic: Who do you care about that will judge you and think less of you if you own one? Like geolemon says, get a black one.

They criticized the Nexus One for having colors beyond the standard gamut. Which means reds look redder and blues look bluer. On a cell phone I think that's beautiful and this company is irrelevant.

@ps61318: I don't think this sort of thing needs much CPU power. Especially because the grip is mostly static. Users keep their hands in the same position most of the time.

@ps61318: What if a thin bezel can be touch sensitive too? Then the device can sense how it's being held. It can then prevent unwanted button presses while being a smaller device.

@blyan-reloaded: Google has data centers, but they also have shipping containers packed with as many servers and cooling as will fit. The containers are located all over the country on ISP grounds. The arrangement benefits both parties. Google serves up blazing fast services to the local users, and the ISP doesn't

@HPPalm: Does the PSEYE have an infrared camera? Will that fighting game actually work if players are wearing black and the furniture or lighting is dark? Will the fighting be one-to-one, or will it look for general body movement to perform scripted animations? That difference is key, because Red Steel for the Wii was

@Segador: The real explanation is before takeoff he was sitting on the armrest out of consideration for the passenger next to him. He was waiting to ask a flight attendant if he could switch from his assigned seat to the row behind him, which was empty. He did then sit in the vacant row.

@OMG! JakeMG: Ω Man: The G1 came out in the US October 2008. For people with two year contracts, many wouldn't bother with the MyTouch Slide, right? This phone is great timing for those with the G1.