
Fuck this. I already pay for the Hulu/Disney+/EspnGold pack, Netflix 4K multi-user pack, DC Universe. And I have Xfinity’s top package with bandwidth and channels.

Kudos to whoever wrote the “breaking news” scrolling at the bottom of the Sky Sports sketch.

Stopping the online morons cackling along to Weekend Update needs to take priority over a Covid-19 vaccine.

I’m going to miss this show too. My husband and I used to watch it whenever Cartoon Network would show it. Also, it became my crutch after he died. It was one of the few things that brought be comfort after that loss. Well, an end to a chapter.

As someone who loves the show enough that I write weekly reviews of it, I’m glad it’s ending. I’ll miss it, but it’s a wonderful thing for a story to end without dawdling or jumping the shark.

And the meat product he ate the most was hot dogs. Vegetarian hot dogs are the best faux meat products out there. 

Sounds serious. Is it infectious?

Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.

Support thread for folks who found both Force Awakens and TLJ boring and realized you’ll never love Star Wars as much as you did as a child and that’s ok

Time for a shameless plug! If anyone’s interested in episode-by-episode Steven Universe reviews that take the whole series in context, meaning plenty of talk about long-running arcs and all the foreshadowing in older episodes, I’m working on it!

Show Pearl on a date with Mystery Girl!


Now I just have to remember to check the listings for a channel other than the 24 hour MST3k and Rifftrax channels. Actually now that I think about it, I have been enjoying their new Comedy Central channel too. I have finally been able to watch the delightful Detroiters after hearing good things about it (and CC

But you have to tell both sides of the story. You know, the actual story and also a bunch of paranoid, self-serving, absolute fucking nonsense, designed to appeal to the worst instincts of British society.

Hey, just thought I’d bring *SU Observations* back for a little go-round while there’s still content that’s not entirely advertising or celebrity gossip on this site. Like the gem part of Steven, when I ask Kinja what happened to AV Club it looks upon me with a blank expression and screams “SHE’S GOOOONE”

The understanding I have is that “our” Pearl was originally White Diamond’s, and was given to Pink as a gift to cheer her up (because of the pearl placement on her head, a la White Diamond. As someone else pointed out, that meant that Pink Pearl needed to be, uh, “reeducated”. So, White Pearl in current time is

“Anymore”? That’s hilarious.

Triple Xmas.

“DILF”? Surely we could have just gone with “SILF.”

How dare Bill Maher not give Jack Kirby co-credit for destroying society.