
He’s one of those guys - there are a depressing number - who just completely lost his mind after 9/11.

He tried for 2 days to draw some biting parallel between Wolf and Salieri’s mother’s sister and came up empty.

You go through an entire review and not ONCE mention that PEARL HAS A CELL PHONE NOW?!?!?!?!?

Sincere question: Why do you want to go back? Is there something specifically more compelling about the world of “real” Archer than these fake ones, or is it just a preference for the show’s “actual” reality? (Again, no intent to be facetious or leading here, this is just one of those weird questions that Archer’s

This season is so Tales of the Gold Monkey I’m loving it!

Garnet is my favorite, but when she voiced her anxieties, it was just such a perfect, humanizing moment, that it kind of felt like a betrayal when she then got over things at the end of the episode, and got her future-vision working again.

New Nancy is better than the old Nancy, and I don’t even know what the old Nancy is.

I went back like ten days and had to stop.

With a Jimmy like that, I’m surprised he is so upbeat most of the time. You’d think he’d be kinda crabby...

The trunks are part of what make him immediately read as a good guy, instead of looking like an alien conqueror.

Like a lot of you, I was born at such time that Star Wars was just part of my life from the get-go, so it’s nigh impossible to pin down an actual first memory of it. There were the Kenner action figures, of course, which, at my mother’s urging, were later sold off in a garage sale, a point of parental regret for which

I was born in 1980. I can’t remember seeing the films for the first time, they are just ingrained into my childhood. My first clear memory is the first day of school - so I would have been 5 - clutching my Princess Leia/Boushh figure.

When I was 7 (2002), I was shown Episode I for the first time with a bunch of other kids. When Darth Maul’s lightsabers came out, I was hooked. The entire room just went “ooooooooo.”