
There have been some very strong hints from Crewniverse social media that season 6 has been in production for awhile. I also seem to remember some tweets from new SU hires just before the new year, which is a good sign that they’re not planning on going anywhere, at least in the short term.

“It sure seems like we’re getting closer to a climax, right?”

The only thing in Garnet’s story that wasn’t stylized was the corruption blast, which also has to mean something interesting.

I was in one of the markets that aired in. The pre-empted Nightline episode was a tasteful roll call of the dead. The Sinclair substitution was a tacky hatchet job on Ted Koppel and ABC News.

The moral of the story is “Incognito mode isn’t just for porn.”

I climbed 300 pages into Ulysses several summers ago. Almost got to the beginning of the story, too.

Like Jones, this is an ancillary product orbiting the main issues and the people involved in them, so it’s useful if you’re trying to figure out why people think the way they do. In that respect, this segment is quite worthy.

If you lot were still doing TV Outland, you would’ve beaten him to it.

Oh, don’t worry. Patton took a slug too.

The one sure sign that John has decided he’s had it too good for too long will be the week when the main story is Andy launching into a feature-length pun run.

Considering how hard John and Andy Zaltzman hammered Berlusconi on The Bugle, this segment must’ve felt like coming home.

Spaghetti Cat has probably been relegated to the Olive Garden of history. Still, we have our memories.

Rockwell swore in the Mr. Science sketch. For all the hand-wringing that’s engendering, it’s as overblown as all such things inevitably are. Clearly an accident, hardly unprecedented—see Kristen Stewart’s monologue last year—and just another piece of SNL trivia.

...well played.

The only one I’d wrestle you over at this point is #1. There’s so much dream logic to cut through with character representations in that sequence that I’d take the relative sizes thing with a pinch of salt.

It says something about where this country is right now that the dude had to change his Twitter handle to “the gorilla channel thing is a joke”.

Unfortunately, that type of thinking is why broadcast flags were invented.

My only pop culture-related story this weekend was finding out that a seasonally-motivated cancellation of the WWE Network was uncancelled without my authorization. So I sent them an angry note to just burn my fucking account to the ground, but after I sent it, a friend reminded me that the Royal Rumble was coming up

It’s Christmas—no series is foolish enough to air a normal episode.

A radish with a fist on its tongue. I’d like to see the seed catalog that came out of.