
If the rumor mill is to be believed, Neville's cape is a compromise from what VKM wanted to do originally, which was to send him out in a Mighty Mouse costume. The rationale was that he's powerful, he's shorter than 8 feet tall, and he's got big ol' ears. What we saw last night was a compromise.

The Yahoo Screen app for Roku played this week's episode straight through without ad breaks, but for some reason it immediately decided I wanted to watch episode 2, the way that a lot of Youtube playlists run in reverse chronological order.

Didn't MTV already ruin Wuthering Heights with a Cali-based update? A little bit over ten years ago…in grandpa times.

But should we skip The Labradoodle of the Baskervilles?

Let's be fair. They could've done any number of things, but it still would've been Fandango.


The alternate lyrics are Liverpool's gift to the rest of us.

It was one of those sketches that reminds me why I bother staying up with my TV until 1am on a Saturday. An SNL that doesn't rattle some cages might as well be Mad TV.

The "letting the market decide makes everything better" crew. So yeah, Ted Cruz.

The compulsion to obsessively recap and separately review every single episode of a series could very well be an invention of Internet wrestling writers. TV Club was built on the shoulders of Figure 4 Weekly and Slobberknocker Central.

The death of kayfabe is like what happened in Vegas when card counting was invented. The casinos freaked the hell out at first, but then they realized that most people who claim to know how to do it never really get that good at it, and their money spends the same as everybody else's.

Absolutely. The facts all line up, but ethics aren't in the driver's seat.

Even if all he did was set the tone and keep the interference low for the people who do the real heavy lifting, it's still something to be proud of.

Stephanie McMahon is possibly the most nuanced villain in the company right now. She loves the company her granddad started in the wilderness years more than any individual performer (excepting the one she ended up marrying, of course), so she has the clearest motivations for everything she does. When she starts

The cartoon in that quote was going to be Ninja Turtles, but I wasn't feeling brave enough. :shrug:

I get really twitchy with the people who swing too far in the other direction, the ones who were something like 7 or 8 years old and are just waaaay too uncritical about what they grew up with as people who didn't grow up in war zones or other dangerous situations inevitably are. "Full House and Saved By The Bell and

All I ask is one good Stan and Ollie biopic while people who still give a damn are still alive. Why do we keep getting crap like this instead?

The people who called the 80s an "ugly, ugly era" are usually the ones that came of age in the 80s and still remember that the first "70s revival" was ironic 90s alt-rockers pissing on 'AM gold' because they're too cool to tackle The Carpenters at anything but arm's length. Trying to steer people away from the 80s is

All the late-night comedy people were extra fragile in the weeks after the attack. It's a shame that Jon is the only one who keeps getting that thrown back into his face, because moments of genuine emotion are now considered points of attack.

Opinions = O'Reilly and Hannity's shows. Opinion is the label on the package, which makes slightly it easier to take.