
Hey buddy, I got 15 just like every other member of my family.

Sorry, that was supposed to be a broader "you" than it came out. Not you, but youuuuu (as I point in six directions at once).

If Jon is your One True Journalist, there are thousands of current events bloggers who don't give a shit about whether a story even has a proper first source, let alone a second, who would like to be your next Dalai Lama.

Sorry, but no.

Excuse me, I'm just going to rest this pistol against my temple while I wait for the answer.


It IS nostalgia night. Already we have a reunion between Dan Akyroyd and his season 1 mustache.

No, what I'm saying is that Fox News doesn't give a shit about integrity when etc etc. Yeah, I messed up and used ambiguous grammar. Don't make it any weirder than it already is.

I hope I never get tired of hearing that joke.

You can only hit your head against a brick wall for so many years before you realize that all you've got to show for it is a concussion.

You're also assuming that nobody's ever tried. People have called out FNC on their stupid tricks for a long time, but they (e: meaning Fox News) honestly don't give a shit as long as the ratings and the ad revenue are there. In fact, I'm pretty sure Glenn Beck got bounced because no respectable advertiser would touch

The Platonic ideal of a news org is that whether the news is good or bad, it should always be presented as honestly and objectively as possible. As far as I'm concerned, that's the standard. Any news org that puts ideological purity tests ahead of that fails in the fundamentals. Opinion shows are held to a different

The people we trust and respect SHOULD be held to higher standards than the ones we don't because we expect them to know better.

The only way I could make it all the way through BoaN was when they ran it as part of the History Channel's Reel to Real series, where they would run a film and a panel would debate a film's historical accurateness at each ad break. Obviously they had a lot to talk about with this one.

I think that was more about the back half of your first post, which kind of suffered from mission drift.

I can't entirely disagree with you, and whatever meatheaded third-party ad network they've got kicking out those sponsored links seriously undercuts the good intentions behind the article.

One guy somewhere in the blowback came up with an argument that (at least on the face of it) is slightly less stupid: What do you do with a daughter (and he's talking about his daughter, in this case) who has never been presented with the idea that some jerks consider girls inferior until without warning she sees it

It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and textbooks that deny evolution.

I always thought the world would end with a Tom Waits song.

I assumed Bill O didn't show up for the finale because Keith Olbermann was there.