
It's not a code for fetish play, if that's what you're talking about. Ha. Ha.

I don't care how many of these obits say "Lucy cast member", for old radio geeks she'll always be Leila Ransom. That honeyed coo almost made me want to be a water commissioner.

Like how Schroedinger's Cat is either dead or alive until you open the box? Or how Schroedinger's Rugrats are either still babies or all grown up until you check their Wikipedia page?

Rhymes with "Breadbox". Helped cause something that rhymes with "breath of the schmideo snore."

And NCR's entertainment assets (including the contracts connected with the Blockbuster kiosks) were bought out at the beginning of the year by Take A Wild Guess.

"We realized that TECHNICALLY we'd have to pay another fee to run it again."

And in the next world, we'll all hang out at Lester Bangs' place…

I may be one of the only people on the face of the earth that listened to Metal Machine Music all of the way through. Twice.

Some people would look at that segment and say "Typical LIEberal media hit job." Don Yelton looked at the segment and said, "Thank GOD they protected my ass on that one."

The Animation Guild's write-up says that when the Guild called a citywide strike in 1982 to protest the overseas outsourcing of work, Lou actually marched the picket lines in front of his own studio. His heart was in the right place when it counted, even if the quality wasn't.

You can sort of understand why we didn't get a Miley Cyrus Show this week, since last week Vanessa Bayer did Miley with Miley. Unless it's a president, they don't usually go back to the well two weeks in a row.

It was a thing that my local decided to put off an extra hour without telling whoever ran my cable company's program guide. Not an entirely unexpected maneuver, though.

From 2005 until 2009, and then (after TWO MONTHS of getting our hopes up) from 2010 until 2011, when they realized they had to do something to get attention for the new Looney Tunes Show.

Boomerang itself has already succumbed to serious mission drift. As the name implies, the schedule was originally made up exclusively of the type of vintage cartoons that baby boomers would remember. Now it's Johnny Bravo and Ben 10…and maybe a half hour of Bugs Bunny in the off hours.

You mean "Keep doing it and eventually you'll get it right"?

Fun fact from the SOTCAA Python page: we're incredibly lucky that the undertaker's sketch exists anymore at all. Seeing as how it genuinely pissed off a few viewers, some clever sod recut the episode during the 70s and the BBC's master tapes of the original version were junked. Fifteen years later, everything from the

Re: the "upper-class twit" observation: Refresh my memory, was this the campaign season where Bush the Elder did a grocery store photo op and was gobsmacked when he saw the bar code scanner, as if for the first time?

When your "sexy face" makes you look like Hawk from the Road Warriors, it's time to practice your sexy face a little more.

Of all the people who were tapped to host Saturday Night in its first season, Dick Cavett is the one that I’ve never been able to figure out.

As someone who actually grew up in the Horneytown area, let me be the first to say that's a hell of a lot of attention to give what's essentially a four-way stop and a gas station.