Any team that goes 0-16 should lose their first round pick. Soccer does few things right but punishing terrible organizations is one of them.
Any team that goes 0-16 should lose their first round pick. Soccer does few things right but punishing terrible organizations is one of them.
Opening Three tabs was required just to watch a fucking browns clip. Are you kidding me?
I always love Gisele’s comments on The Concourse, too!
Bernie was a garbage candidate who survived only because the Clinton campaign was too afraid of alienating millennials to do even the slightest negative attack on him.
I learned that you are clearly a misogynistic misogynist if you think anything other than misogyny caused this misogynistic mess. Don’t criticize Hillary’s perfect campaign, misogynist! Misogyny.
This is, by far, a better morning after take than the ones over on The Slot that, so far, are only blaming Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and their voters.
This should be the headline after every election. It doesn’t matter one bit who wins or loses.
You are going to get a buttload of stars for this scorching hot taek.
This article is nothing more than part of a schmear campaign.
And in the future it won’t, but you’ll still be an asshole.
As a Chiefs fan, I appreciate what this guy has done for the team the last couple of years. Am I anxious to see what Foles can do under Reid again (especially after what he did last week)? Yes. But I really hope KC isn’t doing Smith dirty and making him go through this for the second time in his career.
I made my dad marry my mom
Jalen Ramsey Won’t Hesitate To Get Ejected Again
Yup. Pretty much.
I assume that an average round of golf for Donald Trump goes like this.
That must be a real shitty tv if she’s “upgrading” to Plasma.
This bums me out. It makes me feel bad for all the people that really are victims of sexual assault.
Ya, fuck that whole innocent until proven guilty thing, ammirite?
This is where I pull up a little bit. I don’t know that I agree that a drunk person is categorically unable to give consent. In your scenario specifically, that reads like an opening salvo. That’s not to say it was a green light; I want to be clear, I’m not saying if she said she was horny you were in the clear to go…
James Jones