
Malice is not a requirement for racism, classism, or condescension. The fact that such imagery is where his mind went by default (especially since he used the word “prison” rather than the more common “asylum”) speaks to his true feelings on the matter. He, like many white people, may very well think he is not racist

Ezio was the peak balance of that I think.

Also, bottom seeded teams in the NHL make the Finals — like Nashville last year or the Kings who won it all in 2012 — while in the NBA, they have quite literally no chance of doing this.

Thanks man. At least you could see clear to what I was trying to get at - yes, the NHL does send more teams to the playoffs than not. But so does the NBA, and no-one trots that shit out every April in advance of the NBA playoffs, where inevitably the bottom four teams in each conference will be trounced by the top

I have no idea how anyone could bad mouth New Zealand. It is fucking gorgeous.

2017 is also the year of alternative facts sooooo.

Jet fuel can melt steel nerves

“But this is the NHL, where more teams make the postseason than don’t.”

truly glad for Kinja’s comment system

This is excellent kinja

Roasting marshmallows takes too long. Just eat them out of the bag, brother.

Genius is oft decried as heresy by those who are butt.

the recumbent bicycle kick

This is a sport?

Hockey games are also best in-person.

Little Caesars’s COLISEUM! Hello?!?!?!

Try an MLS game. Besides the World Series in 2001 at the old Yankee Stadium, MLS games are consistently my best in-stadium experiences. Cost concerns are alleviated as well.

This was the largest crowd that has ever attended a live sporting event in human history