
I read this in Trumps voice and it’s very very good. People are saying it’s a great parody.

The thing is, it would sound like a setup if this was anyone else.

To paraphrase Jack, how do I write a Trump supporter? First I take a normal human, then I take away all logic, empathy, and morality.

Only in America can protests against racism be confused with protests against patriotism.

You’re greycist!

I think States United sounds more like a soccer team.

The problem is that in no other year between 1940 aprox-2016 would this be an actual controversial statement. Any sort of problem against this campaign is like people complaining to a marketing campaign about telling people how water is wet.

Curry, in the meeting with Under Armor: “I want shoes where people wearing them will want to take them off as quickly as possible.”

If there isn’t a giant picture of feet behind the basket at Golden State’s next away game, I will be highly disappointed.

target acquired, target destroyed.

Feet? I thought he only liked fucking the Calves

+1 Pierre’s Turgeon

Or the pool at Bushwood.

It sucked they had to go sit in the box for 2 minutes afterward for hooking

But they also sell way more games than they used to.

There’s this certain toxic Hyper-Consumer attitude that permeates gaming. This self-aggrandizing view peddled by “consumer advocate” YouTubers convincing people who identify themselves as capital ‘C’ Consumers that they and their opinions are the most important things on the planet by virture of spending money. Their

Loot boxes are definitely a first world problem.

“No honest, clear-eyed follower of this team could credibly argue that the U.S. are anything other than a poorly managed bunch made up of Pulisic, maybe one or two other players who aren’t completely worthless on the high-level international stage, and a whole lot of hardworking but untalented scrubs—a group uniquely

You really shouldn’t throw bricks at little children. I don’t care if they’re playing soccer, there are still better ways to handle that.

Come on guy. They lost to Trinidad and Tobago. The United States. We shouldn’t lose to Trinidad and Tobago at anything. ANYTHING. If you don’t think that’s at least a little bit hilarious, well, I don’t know what to tell you. If England ever loses to Bermuda, you’d never stop laughing.