
When referring to ocean-going vessels the term is “listing.”

Should have taken a knee. Now that would have been fucking glorious.

“Rode hard, put up wet.”

I just posted it to make myself laugh. And came back an hour later to people cursing me out. What a country.

“they showed too much”

So stop paying attention to the media coverage and dont see it then.

Now playing

Jeff Buckley covers The Smiths’ “I Know It’s Over”.

There are four types of main loot chests, some of which have subcategories, and three types of currencies.

Probably the forthcoming Totinos Pizza Loot Roll.

+1 plus/minus

+3 stars

You’re skating very thin ice.

I don’t buy it. Some dickface in the grays told me a few months ago that there can’t be racism anymore because we had a black president. So, there.

Good for J.T. It’s about time some right wingers started protesting.

Probably because his body is a Zonderland. I’ll see myself out...

Impressive that the bar tried to pass the Dutchie on the left hand side.

Don’t forget Marines. Because the quickest way to find out someone is/was a Marine is to call them a soldier.

“I will not dignify any event...”

Perhaps two assholes who never spent a single day in uniform should stop talking for those of us who have.