
Actually no, I don’t use exploits for the most part, but sure I cheesed Crota before, used extra lives on Contra, etc. Who hasn’t...oh, you haven’t....

Mainly I reference the Kings because the ‘Hawks and Kings have met twice already. So there are three top teams in the last decade of the NHL and we’ve seen two of them go head to head already.

And Django Unchained for similar reasons.

Charlottesville was all about lower taxes and government waste?

I must have missed the court order appointing her as his attorney.

“Nazis on the moon. Fuck you, moon.”

Then I guess you’d have no problem with me saying I hope you get MS, fibromyalgia, and restless leg syndrome all at the same time, right?

I think his butt hurts.

You’re okay, right? I just want to get a clean bill of health before I point out that these are really bad and heavy handed takes.

I sometimes feel bad about shooting Nazis in Wolfenstein but only because it’s far more satisfying to repeatedly stab them in the neck. But sometimes you just have too much shit to do and time is fleeting.

Man, oh man, Bethesda’s Facebook page is a veritable bunker of Quisling meltdowns right now and it is fascinating.

There’s a level where the National Anthem plays and while it’s on all your buttons are remapped to ‘kneel’.

i remember with ‘return to castle wolfenstein’ my mother was worried that it was too violent. my response was ‘mom, the only violence is against zombies and nazi’s, who can argue with killing either of them?’ and it worked. its a strange world where this is now possibly controversial

I guess the little neo-Nazi snowflakes should steer clear of Inglourious Basterds.

Holy shit, you played in the NHL for 30 seasons? It’s Gordie, back from beyond the grave!

It’s early, but so far I am liking this new “Every Other Game Features a Hat Trick” version of the NHL.

At this point it doesn’t even look like the Bears care about the Bears anymore.

All around Bannon’s face

Also: playoff hockey is the most intense thing in sports and will absolutely wreck you in the best possible way if you have a rooting interest. Every single fucking second can be ecstasy or disaster.

“Choose a beautiful sport that will also respect your beauty sleep.”