
Well, “man up” and go grab a phonebook or 2 for “uplift”. Wait, they don’t print thick yellow pages anymore? OK - no problem - stack a bunch of old cell phones on top of each other under each foot - huhhh - yea, never mind - “manning up” in this “future age” we now live in really sucks... 1969 is gone forever. OK,

Well try harder next time. You’re obviously doing something wrong.

... but then Melania has to assert “boys will be boys” with all their crotch grabbing the rest of the year.

Priveleged women with access have gotta pretend to eat too - and in a very concerned yet not too self congratulatory way (“hopefully?”) in nod to the majority of women with REAL problems I guess.

“candied yam”? While I agree with your (inadvertant?) inference to the diabetic tooth rot our Scat Tossing Orangutan Crotch Grabber In Chief increasingly infects our nation with, I don’t associate anything “sweet” about this lying Rust Belt licker. Which is strange because I already felt like I was in a f#k’ng mind

Prime Minister Abe’s people were COMPETENTLY scurrying back and forth to VERBALLY and as discretely as possible deliver sensitive information and any decisions Abe may or MAY NOT HAVE made from Japanese signal communications ORIGINATING AWAY from the PUBLIC EYE while our MORON IN CHIEF gloats letting docs be seen and

Well, you’re clearly doing something wrong as apparently Prez Donny isn’t nerdily as stressed about “encryption”, nor “open classified documents” in public places like you and these other losers commenting. Remember, no matter what Danger Don does, it can NEVER til-the-end-of-time be as BAD as Hillary “begging”

As per the Tweeter in Chief:“(Ivanka) - always pushing me to do the right thing!”

Melania is a “Disney Princess”? Huh - not to be a prude or perv - but where does Cinderella or Pocahontas take it off for the camera, lie about having an architectural degree or get a boob job? Marty’s abused and synthetically bosomed mom in “Back to the Future 2" might be more on the nose. The screenwriter even

First, neocons said gov can’t work and did their best to lock it up from getting what needed to get done. Now Trumpeters claim the election is rigged and commit voting fraud in counties that haven’t seen even a single general election fraud in decades! Trumpeters trump democracy! Brilliant. The KKK came out to

As I recall - Donald Ducked and fucked others FAR harder than himself in Atlantic City. Besides his personal tax write offs and unethical restructuring of bankruptcies, only available to the rich, are his chastity belt. In this and other ways - The Don is forever “virgin” - better protected than what even Reagan

If any veterans are miraculously benefited by any proceeds that don’t go to yet another 20 foot likeness of the Don, they’re out of luck if they’re diagnosed with PTSD. Donald doesn’t like vets that aren’t “strong’ and “can’t handle it”. Donald KNOWS - he was given a purple heart after all.

You left out to replace the 3rd and final debate Donald will,”stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and (not) lose voters”, but gain a few more due to the “COURAGE” of the ”the high ground”, as his son, Eric Trump, with the expression and slicked back hair of an 80's American Psycho, is fond of saying

WTH is going on in this guy’s mind?! No way would I let my underage daughter anywhere near this incestuous pedo-narcissist. The guy can’t even censor himself in public groping his daughter’s hips at his own world televised Presidential G.O.P. Convention.

Can you blame Trump wanting to sleep with himself when he has the “best temperment”, “best brains”, “the most talent” etc? Aren’t those good reasons to be attracted to someone?

It’s a sad state of fatherhood ... and presidential elections, when a women has to feel thankful her dad didn’t openly come onto her repeatedly. Even Bill restrained that impulse from all reports.

No - if Trump put his hands on his daughter’s hips during his unconscious groping of her even on live television... with all the evidence, he’d probably do her behind closed doors at least Bill Cosby style if she was even 1/8th into it, confused and drugged.

How would that help even Trump exactly? Slut shaming breast feeding moms and daughters? Don’t get me wrong - I wouldn’t put it past him.

Even more disturbing - Hillary probably didn’t have to “FORCE” her. Right wing slut shaming mothers and daughters feels feels so wrong - but comedy DEMANDS it.

This article missed another reason Trump wants to do his daughter - it’s the closest he’ll ever get to sleeping with himself... in a dress. While his lechery is easy to see here, don’t underestimate his narcissism.