IT’S $800 FOR TWO TICKETS ON STUBHUB. I just can’t, guys, I can’t ):
IT’S $800 FOR TWO TICKETS ON STUBHUB. I just can’t, guys, I can’t ):
I’m from NM and I’ve heard that exact question my whole life. Wait what you’re from Mexico?? *facepalm*
Well, to be fair, whenever I see a Marco Rubio ad I do get more patriotic about being Canadian. So, you know, point to him.
YES. It doesn’t look at all to me like he’s had work done; I think you’re right on the money w/ steroids. Maybe he had a bad allergic reaction to something.
Botox and fillers that haven’t settled? Weight gain? Post-oral-surgery puffiness? Xenu’s vengeance? Xenu’s love?
A grown ass man was so afraid of a dancing black woman (wearing the same/more that most people wear to the beach) that he hid beneath a blanket till his wife told him it was safe? We need the Beyhive to mobilize and dance at the voting stations this election!
/Messi completes simple pass
Whhhhy black & grey? The bright colour, boldness, and simplicity is what makes that image so great and iconic.
Seconded. Like 99% of the shitty behavior justified by Christians is because of something Paul said. Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure Paul invented the term Christian. BTW, have you ever noticed that Jesus warned of a wolf in sheep’s clothing that would show up after he died, and his description sounds exactly…
Heh I don’t really get the hate of the Underground. Their focus is saving people from slavery, which they do, and it is a difficult thing that they are constantly being hunted for by the Institute. People complain they don’t focus on other things but how? Before you join they seem on verge of being wiped out with…
This is why watching the Republican debates makes me sick to my stomach. When they trot out their hatred of Obama with all their variants on “this man continues to ruin our country.” I just want to vomit. Have we ever had a President that displayed so much...humanity? He has more humanity in his pinkie nail than they…
Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.
I like this woman’s approach; if they want Big Government sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If they’re gonna govern by Sharia, let’s be equally absurd and draconian for both sexes.
Same! But won’t it be a conflict of interest when President Michelle Obama appoints him in 2025?
And for people who are too young, she faced a firestorm for having come out; people demanded she be fired, certain radio hosts called her “Ellen Degenerate” and considered themselves fiendishly clever, and she was basically shunned by craven networks who feared losing their audiences.
I get what he’s saying because Ellen was visible in a way no one in Hollywood had been up until that point. Still, as humble as he is, he’s been an amazing president for LGBT individuals (and the country at large, I think.) He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!) and refused to defend DOMA (thanks…
I’m torn because I want to learn about badass women spies but if they were that good at spying why is this scholar able to study them hundreds of years later?
Oh, there’s more than one way to send a message via eggs: