Neigh I Say
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if youre referring to why chefs scramble in the pan...uhh no

Good fucking lord, dude. Mac isn’t exactly the second coming of Christ.

I guess if you’ve already been indicted on felony charges, violating an injunction seems like no biggie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So...we’re NOT going to talk about the NFL’s “my parents fucked after the Super Bowl” commercials?

Cool. I’m on Cap’s side with this. Also known as the side Ant-Man is on.

So, basically, it’s like everytime you try to have a faculty meeting. Everyone is never free on the same night.

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”

The Handmaid’s Tale is great. I JUST saw the movie of Children of Men for the first time right when the Zika virus crisis was hitting the news the other week, which makes this whole thing just terrifying. But now I’ll have to read the book, too.

Disregard the movie, but Children of Men the book is a really good one. That one at The Handmaid’s Tale were my favorite books growing up. I was ...a strange preteen

People who say we should be grateful for suffering usually haven’t experienced much of it. They really should, they’d probably change their tune.

repeat after me: correlation is not causation

There’s one downthread! There’s one downthread!!!

If you want to get even MORE pissed about this whole thing read about what the anti-vaxxers are saying. It’s all TDAP’s fault now since they introduced it in Brazil two years ago. You can’t make this shit up anymore.

That was a really good episode.

I don’t know, Grim did a pretty good episode that touched on gender identity in an interesting way. They introduced a creature that was both male and female and could go between the two, and the dialogue really focused on how both genders were really intrinsic to this person’s identity. Spoilers: there’s a part where

People on the internet usually equate “not catering to my interest” to “pissing me off and shitting all over my internet tubes”.

All I can say is that he deserves plenty of what he’s getting.

If he appeals to juveniles, then why care about what’s on his channel one way or another?

Rolling around naked in dollar bills would absolutely be my response.