george willis jr

Of course Ross just homered. This game is . . . I don’t know. Need a new word for it. Bonktatoes.

Judging by his moves so far tonight, Maddon’s a wreck too.

The guy with 12 beat the guy with 20? That’s not how you play poker.

Go right. Further right. Completely out of bounds. Further.

The Clinton audible means the ball is going to the left.

It’s almost like you can be super talented and still be a fucking asshole, just like I said in the comment that you must not have read. In your mind, did you think I said “Well, they’re not going to throw to that guy because he’s such a meanie poop head”? Hoo-ah

Wouldn’t want anyone else to get credit for “heh”.

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life

Suspended game 1 vs. Northwestern State (Louisiana)

Wow, that’s fucked up. He made a mistake, sure, but he doesn’t deserve to have his basketballs ruined.

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

Well, that about wraps up the case, then! Good work, detective!

Worst quarterback in the NFL,” [Michael] says.

I didn’t know they kept their field mics inside the toilet reservoirs in Cleveland.

Man shut the fuck up

Gisele: “Well you can’t expect him to throw and catch!”

As far as Calvins on Sunday, he is only second to Hobbes for bringing a paper tiger to life.